Michelle declares herself the “Forever First Lady” – IOTW Report

Michelle declares herself the “Forever First Lady”

54 Comments on Michelle declares herself the “Forever First Lady”

  1. The Obamas’ self-worship knows no bounds.

    But what’s terrifically sad is there are Americans who squeal with delight and validate even this bit of narcissistic nonsense.

    Michelle’s narcissism was created by a slobbering media and reinforced and echoed by sycophantic leftists. She is the monster they created.

  2. Not in my worst nightmares would I consider her to be forever anything. She (if I can call her that) and barry will always and forever be the worst two people ever to occupy The White House. She is a first rate forever America hater and always will be. Why her husband ever became presidunce we’ll never know except for a lot of guilty white liberals who voted for the pretender in the first place. Paul Harvey died shortly after barry became presidunce, even he may have had a hard time saying anything good about the obummers.

  3. Two of the contraindications of taking Spironolactone and Cyproterone acetate during the process of becoming a transgender female are delusions of self-worth…and an insatiable taste for Wagyu beef.

  4. Two thoughts.

    Wasn’t Mooch often complaining about living in the WH, and couldn’t wait to be out of there?

    Tax payers will forever be paying off the many vacations.

  5. Forever First Lady …
    Thousand Year Reich …

    Yadda, yadda, yadda …

    What the fuck is it with socialists?
    Y’know, Stalin thought he could live forever through “socialistic” science – he was in the process of killing all the doctors in the Soviet Union who thought otherwise when he (thankfully) stroked out.
    McCain’s got it too.
    Pelosi REALLY believes she’s a rational human being!
    HRC REALLY believes America needs her!

    These people are so fucked up (in the head) it wobbles the mind.

    izlamo delenda est …


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