Report: North Korea Preparing to Release Three U.S. Hostages – IOTW Report

Report: North Korea Preparing to Release Three U.S. Hostages

CTH- It was originally reported on April 30th, 2018, that Kim Jong-un had moved three U.S. nationals (w/ South Korean ancestry) from labor camps to Pyongyang where they were undergoing medical treatment, rehabilitation and rest in advance of a plan to be released.

Those initial reports are now being confirmed by alternate media sources.  The original report from inside the DPRK stated they were “reportedly being prepared to be released to US authorities either prior to or on the day of the US-North Korea summit”; and the captives were being debriefed (“coached” or “indoctrinated”) to tell authorities their human rights were not violated during their stay in the DPRK.  MORE

4 Comments on Report: North Korea Preparing to Release Three U.S. Hostages

  1. Hopefully they will be in better health than Otto Warmbier was when they sent him back. Somebody must have said: “Send the hostages home, or we don’t talk.” As it should be.


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