John Kerry Colludes With Iran To Undermine American Foreign Policy – IOTW Report

John Kerry Colludes With Iran To Undermine American Foreign Policy

DC: Former secretary of state John Kerry is reportedly working with world leaders to undermine American foreign policy and try to salvage the Iran deal.

According to a new report by The Boston Globe, under the threat of President Donald Trump pulling out of the Iran Deal, Kerry “engaged in some unusual shadow diplomacy with a top-ranking Iranian official.”

Pulling from his list on contacts he collected while working at the State Department, Kerry has met with Foreign Minister Javad Zarif,  German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, European Union official Federica Mogherini and French President Emmanuel Macron.

Michael O’Hanlon, a foreign policy expert at the Brookings Institution, admitted to the Globe that while it is normal for former government officials to keep in touch with foreign contacts, it is highly unusual for them to lobby on a specific policy position.  more here

28 Comments on John Kerry Colludes With Iran To Undermine American Foreign Policy

  1. These so-called leaders must be aware that Horse Face doesn’t have the authority to bind the U.S. to anything, right? And if HF is attempting to undermine the POTUS’ official U.S. efforts, there is probably a law against that.

  2. There is a law against that, AA.
    Called the Logan Act.
    Kinda funny since Swamp was alleging Trump, et al. violated the Logan Act.
    I Kerry’s case its true.

  3. Sedition …. it’s a crime!

    from his fake Purple Hearts (mocking every person that ever earned one), to his lying to Congress, to his throwing over the White House fence of other people’s medals, to his sham marriages, to colluding with various enemies of the United State …. the man has no scruples, morals or patriotism to his country whatsoever (typical democRat) … another One-Worlder Progressive

  4. President Lazlo would be lenient.
    He gets his pick of bicycle, and a half hour head start.
    Then a Squad of Rangers is going to hunt his ass on foot.
    They don’t need to kill him or bring him back or anything.
    Just some photos of him being tormented with Purple Nurples, Pink Bellies, Indian Burns, Texas Titty Twisters, and a Five Man Atomic Wedgie, followed by an Old Fashioned Army Ranger Ass Whuppin.

  5. Need to put Horseface on his yacht (wherever it’s parked), drive it five miles offshore, and sink it…….with him still in it.
    He wants to be part of the Brown Water Navy? No problem.


    Every COMBAT vet hates this super rich coward! I do have 2 friends who served in Ho Chi Min City who could not understand my hate. But they never: bladed a Chi Com., were balled by a Chi Com (twice), shot a ChiCom or were shot by a ChiCom. Having done all 4 my experience was not the same as the guys “in the rear with the gear”. Wh BTW did not lose 55 # in 10 weeks in “Indian Country”; as they never went days without rations.
    ne of them did vote for JFK; but he gave Christmas presents every year , so I do not hate hi. I do hate JFK!

  7. “Who BTW…”

    One of then…

    the editor went crazy on me

    Probably my blond hair; or blue eyes

    In any case I could not edit. got sent elsewhere

  8. Ditto to Tony. Revoke his passport. Wiretap his phones and e-mails. Talking to Iran as a private citizen to undermine our One-at-a-Time President’s policies is treason.

    That’s what they tried to say about Flynn and they bankrupted him.

    Lock Kerry the fuck up.


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