The Execrable Lefty Site The Raw Story: THE LOGAN ACT- Then and Now – IOTW Report

The Execrable Lefty Site The Raw Story: THE LOGAN ACT- Then and Now

There is a lot of chatter out there suggesting John Kerry could be arrested for violating the Logan Act for working with foreign nations and trying to undermine the policies of the current administration.


Flynn looks especially vulnerable for appearing to lie about his contact with the Russian government prior to the inauguration. Reports suggest that Flynn discussed lifting sanctions imposed by President Obama—if true, that would be a violation of the Logan act, which forbids negotiations by citizens with foreign governments.


Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) made his demand to imprison the former Massachusetts Democrat under the Logan Act…

The chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is calling for former Secretary of State John Kerry to be the very first person every arrested under a constitutionally dubious 1799 law.


Full disclosure: I am banned from The Raw Story for doing exactly what I’m doing in this post- pointing out their hypocrisy and idiocy and contempt for the truth.



8 Comments on The Execrable Lefty Site The Raw Story: THE LOGAN ACT- Then and Now

  1. “Getting banned from a lefty site is a badge of honor.”

    Shit, I’ve been banned from Twatter for 24 hours twice. Yea the first one might have been me asking some self proclaimed famous anti gun movie producer how good he thought his security detail was. I embellished the point, I guess. I’m now banned for something I didn’t even Tweet. I’m not feeling the love.

  2. I used to log in on Democrat Underground and see how long I could last posting truth and logic. Usually about 4 posts. The last time I was banned I posted that republicans blocked the Barrett report oddly driven by John Kerry…

    It was the report on Clinton’s bud Cisneros that never saw the light of day..

    Besides debate isn’t what they want… they want you silenced. ..

  3. If I remember correctly, John F Kerry pulled this same stunt way back when with the Vietnamese as a “peace delegate” in Paris while U.S. was attempting to convene a discussion with them on the return of POWs and MIA/KIAs. He has always interfered with U.S. policy.


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