Baseball Player Trying To Sue Third Base Coach For Telling Him to Slide – IOTW Report

Baseball Player Trying To Sue Third Base Coach For Telling Him to Slide

This happens every game, a third base coach telling you to slide into the bag because a throw is coming for you.

A kid’s cleat stuck in the ground and he rolled his ankle. So he wants to sue the coach.

What’s next? A batter gets the bunt sign and squares and gets hit in the thumb (a common bunting injury) and he sues the team?

This is asinine, I hope he not only loses but has to pay the 3rd base coach.

(Why isn’t the lawyer going after the cleat company? Those must’ve been some faulty shoes. How about the groundskeeper who raked out the dirt? How about Abner Doubleday for making the bases 90 feet apart?)


9 Comments on Baseball Player Trying To Sue Third Base Coach For Telling Him to Slide

  1. Generally does not happen if the player has been taught to slide (and bunt for that matter) properly. I believe if the slide is reviewable, you will find that it was poor execution. Same with the bunt. Batter cannot wrap his strong side fingers around the bat, simply poor form.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. This is they type of frivolous nonsense that justifies the reputation of Sheldon Silver’s ambulance chasing lawyer temple mates. Shelly deserves either lethal injection or the electric chair. But since he wont get that the only hope is strangulation by a deranged fellow inmate. The lawyer that filed this lawsuit should have his house burned to the ground.

  3. Anyone that plays sports accepts the fact that there is a possibility of injury.
    It’s idiotic to assume otherwise. This kid must think he’s special, he’s not. Our schools are indoctrinating children to avoid or shirk all personal responsibilities. Suits similar to this are a direct indication of the ridiculous education systems we have today. Paging Ms. DeVos. You have some work to do.

  4. A judge already dismissed it then he appealed. Appellate courts are idiots.

    The appellate court ruled that Ciccone “never analyzed whether (Maser) presented facts in support of his claim that (Suk’s and the board’s) conduct was reckless.”

    The appellate court remanded the case back to Ciccone “to make that analysis.” The appellate court said it would “not suggest the outcome” of the case.

  5. Remember a few years back that IDIOT HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL PLAYER sued his coach because he got a little rough trying to make a point about picks?

    They wound up on the Today Show with their lawyers.

    I can’t remember that brat’s name, but what a CRYBABY! The coach merely caused him to lose his balance and then fake kick him with his foot which had no real force behind it.

    I don’t remember how the case worked itself out, but since the LEGAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX loves perpetuating itself, they will allow any case to proceed as the money flow is too good to pass up.


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