Wisconsin Man Has Eaten 30,000 Big Macs – His Cholestorol is Perfect – IOTW Report

Wisconsin Man Has Eaten 30,000 Big Macs – His Cholestorol is Perfect

At first I called bulldung, then it was revealed that the man has OCD. That’s what it takes to be this kind of champion. He started in 1972. He never missed a day eating at least one until 1982 when he drove to McDonald’s in a snowstorm only to find out they had closed.

He even saved the styrofoam cartons and noted the day they switched to shredded lettuce instead of a full leaf.

In short, he’s a bit crazy. But he’s proven it’s not necessarily  “junk food.” He’s thin, has good numbers. I’d like to know if he has “fries with that.”




16 Comments on Wisconsin Man Has Eaten 30,000 Big Macs – His Cholestorol is Perfect

  1. Least expensive calories in the world! One per day is not “over doing it” I personally gave up all fast food in 2015 and could not stand a Big Mac for the last 25 or so years. Good on him though……. “a bit crazy…” Si.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. And yet we we were told that it was impossible that President Trump could be in such good health given his diet! His physician must be a liar! So, they went after the Doctor and ruined his reputation.

  3. Well, if he’s like me I really don’t buy McDonald’s food. I rent it. Because it’s gone, sewage, within 30 minutes. I’m not shitting. Well maybe I am. Bottom line is my body doesn’t appreciate Ray Kroc one bit.

  4. I have probably eaten over a thousand burgers in my life (mostly real ones made from ground chuck on home grill or griddle). But believe it or not, I have never had a Big Mac, ever. Just does not look appealing to me. On the rare occasion, I go for the Quarter Pounder w/ cheese when pushed into the choice.

    Once I had a Whopper and it had the biggest glop of mayonnaise on it, I almost threw up.

  5. My problem with fast food is this: I have to remake the food. I mean, I have to disassemble the burger and remake it. Why? Because I have two pickles on top of each other, cheese halfway off the bun, only half the patty with ketchup, or I need to scrape off too much.

    I need machines to do this right. Can’t wait.

  6. IOTW Self Service Selections:
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    We Own since 15

  7. I had the the fresh not frozen quarter pounder with cheese recently. It was better than anything at any of those newfangled fancy hamburger places I have tried. McDonald’s is on to something.

  8. One of the greatest marketing gimmicks ever: The ‘ quarter pounder’. In other words, The ‘4 ouncer’.(Not sure if that was even the pre-cooked weight)


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