Cop Pulls Gun on Customer Claiming He Stole Mentos – IOTW Report

Cop Pulls Gun on Customer Claiming He Stole Mentos

29 Comments on Cop Pulls Gun on Customer Claiming He Stole Mentos

  1. Many police, after a long daily exposure to the dregs of society, start believing there are only three types of people in the world: police, convicted felons and unconvicted felons. Only one of these categories, the police, is to be trusted and even then only with caution.

    The clerk could have quickly defused this situation by simply saying, “This guy just paid for a packet of Mentos officer”

  2. That would give me Cotton Mouth too.

    An apology is a start but cash from U.S. taxpayers is too much. When you see something say something and do something. Shouldn’t have to be said, but pulling a gun at that point was an example of what not to do. I hope his finger isn’t as quick as his poor judgment.

    And Mentos Man shouldn’t be looking for a payout.
    He survived just fine and has a good story.

  3. So in a way this serves to demonstrate precisely what Bob Mueller is doing to Michael Cohen and Michael Flynn.
    Feel free to steal this theme.
    Do they just knot like Mikes?

  4. The cop should be terminated. Period. Never pull your gun unless you are sure your safety and others around you is in danger. Mentos. He pulled his gun because of fucking candy…and was wrong to boot. I usually back police but this A-hole needs to find another career.

  5. I don’t think Mentos demand a taser either. The guy was not acting out of control or a threat in any way.

    Cops are our employees. We are not their subjects.

    The off-duty cop, dressed like a regular scumbag citizen, comes in the store and immediately “takes command” of a situation he is in no way involved. Pulls his gun out of his pocket, pulls the slide back, points it sideways like a thug at the man at the counter over a fucking $1.19 pack of Mentos and starts interrogating him.

    He then orders him to “take his cash and leave”. This used to be a free country. This whole exchange is un-American.

    He should have been fired as soon as a superior saw that video.

  6. Watchman – The clerk could have quickly defused this situation by simply saying, “This guy just paid for a packet of Mentos officer”

    Yeah I was wondering why this dipshit was just standing there watching it all unfold directly in front of him without saying a word. Was he hoping for an incident or what? I think most people would have jumped in and said something like “Hey it’s all OK. He paid for it. There is no problem here”

    Deadly force over something like this?
    Yer fired!

  7. I think most officers would want to have a WTF talk with him about this.

    Would like to know if there were any repercussions with his department. He escalated way beyond any present threat level. It was like watching a cartoon version of what a policeman does.

  8. This is so messed up, goes against everything I know about LEO training.
    Plainclothes, pulls out his gun, for a suspected shoplifting, not his badge?
    I doubt we have heard the end of this.
    Cops are under a lot of pressure to reform, appears it is sometimes necessary.
    Who the hell carries in jacket pocket off duty?
    This is a set up, or the worlds dumbest cop.

  9. In the cops defense, he may have reason to believe the man was a Trump supporter using Mentos to pass information to The Russians. Conspiracy with intent to collude is punishable by interminable investigation, early morning no-knock raids, and bugged conversations.

  10. I used to have sympathy for cops shot dead, but long ago I said f them. They probably deserved it…because of jackbooted thuggery like this, over and over and over again.

  11. Horsefly – That’s way over the line.
    Put the broad brush away.
    The overwhelming majority of cops are good cops!
    Some organizations are going to have their bad ones.
    I’ve said it before, but I sure wouldn’t want to be a cop in today’s politically charged environment where the Left has turned them into targets!

  12. Even stupid people who make wrong decisions have the right to life up to the point of placing someone’s life or liberty in jeopardy….even law enforcement.
    This cop needlessly and stupidly placed his and two other lives at risk. The John Wayne syndrome/mentality is real and potentially deadly.

    No one was harmed and it was undoubtedly a severe learning experience for the off duty cop.

  13. Hey Rat Fink, I think I agree with horsefly s outlook…too many bad cops being caught by citizens doing the worst things to our citizens, and there hasn’t been ONE SINGLE COP speaking out, saying something like “I will not serve with that guy!”
    Or refusing to obey ridiculously illegal orders like locking down parts of a town after the Boston bombers.
    Every one of those pigs violated the 4th amendment without thinking twice.
    When the cops change their mindsets from “Its the most important thing for a cop to get home” to “its the most important thing that the citizenry is protected, and we go into harms way to make it happen.” then they can regain the trust of a huge portion of the public.
    I’m sure there are good cops, but unless they start demanding more from their ranks, they’re gonna be as real as Bigfoot.

  14. For you folks that somehow think the bad tactics this officer used is reason to celebrate or condone other cops getting killed, shame on you.

    A few other things;
    Your average off duty cop does not carry any other gear besides his badge, his weapon and maybe a set of cuffs, that’s it.
    Pulling his weapon on any action below a life threatening felony is clearly outside of policy and could be illegal.
    This officer handled the situation poorly through out. You don’t assume a crime has been committed without proof or evidence. Walking in on a 99% completed transaction and assume a shoplifting is just stupid.
    The apology afterwards was nice but does not negate the bad tactics displayed.
    The officer did wrong and needs a written reprimand in his folder and some serious re-training.
    No, the city is not liable for any monetary judgement. Yeah, the mentos buyer was threatened and did not deserve to be treated this way but a public apology from the city should suffice.

  15. “When the cops change their mindsets from “Its the most important thing for a cop to get home” to “its the most important thing that the citizenry is protected, and we go into harms way to make it happen.” then they can regain the trust of a huge portion of the public.”

    SO very right on!

  16. At 52 seconds after the police officer announced he was LEO watch the guy’s left hand. He very quickly reached into his left jacket pocket.
    I would have hauled iron as well.
    Also what were the Cop’s first words after the shopkeeper finally spoke up?
    “My apologies”
    He was making sure this wasn’t a crack-fueled robber feeling froggy today.
    No harm, no foul.

  17. Wow… That cop is a total fuckhead. JFC… He waits until after he pulls his gun to ask the clerk if the guy paid? Why the fuck did he think he had to pull the gun in the first place. What a fucking asshole.

  18. Hey, Taylor – no one here is celebrating or condoning – simply saying “reap what you sow”.
    And too many PD’s have been sowing bad seed; there’s never a reason to shoot an unarmed man or killing people on a no-knock raid on the wrong address; but they get away with it over and over again – is that reason enough?

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