Lieberman: ‘Inappropriate’ For Kerry To Try To Save Iran Deal – IOTW Report

Lieberman: ‘Inappropriate’ For Kerry To Try To Save Iran Deal

DC: Former Senator Joe Lieberman criticized John Kerry on Sunday for engaging in shadow diplomacy to try to save the Iran Deal.

A new Boston Globe report explained that Kerry, former secretary of state, has been using contacts he developed at the State Department to meet with foreign leaders who are favorable to the Iran Deal. Kerry’s moves fly in the face of official American foreign policy, as the Trump administration has expressed desires to back out of the deal.

During an interview with Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo, Lieberman said Kerry is acting inappropriately by negotiating without being in an official government position.

“John Kerry is not negotiating on behalf of the U.S. government — I hope everybody he’s talking to knows that,” Lieberman said. “But, in my opinion, what he’s doing is inappropriate and he shouldn’t be doing it.”

Lieberman noted that Kerry is being uniquely uncouth because former secretaries of state Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton haven’t gone around talking to the Iranians or Europeans since leaving office.

“[The Trump administration] is a duly elected administration so I hope John Kerry stops,” Lieberman concluded.  watch

20 Comments on Lieberman: ‘Inappropriate’ For Kerry To Try To Save Iran Deal

  1. If we actually had an attorney general who was worth a damn, he would at the very least obtain an injunction against horse face, and at best bring him up on charges of sedition.

  2. Why can’t Gunboat Kerry to told (and made) to mind his own business? He has not been appointed by anyone duly elected by Taxpayer Citizens to do anything on our behalf.

    We need to stick a bottle of ketchup down his pie hole.

  3. Arrest the bastard now! FBI do your thing. Raid his house at 4am, guns drawn, drag his ass out of bed, cuff him, Mirandize him.
    Oh, I forget, he’s a democrat. Stupid me.

  4. Nice of Lieberman to call out Kerry.
    Also, always remember that it would have taken a single senator’s vote and we wouldn’t have 0bamacare. Lieberman voted for it, he or any other one of those 60 could have single-handedly stopped the entire thing. How many lives have been destroyed, so far?

  5. There is not one good reason for the DOJ to not charge Kerry! How much more evidence is needed before we start seeing some perp walks. Granted, it’s possible the there is a reason to wait for the OIG Report (I’m way tired of waiting for that too) for a lot of this traitorous activity, but what is going on right now with Kerry and Iran needs to be put down. Reasonable people are about to become unreasonable!


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