New Device Lets Pregnant Moms Take Ultrasound Pictures of Their Baby on Their Phone – IOTW Report

New Device Lets Pregnant Moms Take Ultrasound Pictures of Their Baby on Their Phone

Lifezette– An innovative new ultrasound device soon could let mothers see their unborn babies in their own homes using their smartphones...
“To prevent misunderstandings: this is not an ultrasound to check for defects or pregnancy measurements,” [Prof. Israel] Meisner continued. “This is a device with the sole purpose of calming a woman down, to give her the chance to see her fetus, connect to it when she is stressed, and understand that it is looking okay.”
Modern science has given our society a wonderful look at life in the womb. Via ultrasounds, parents now can see their unborn babies move, yawn and even suck their thumbs...

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