Keep Your Silver, William Devane, I’m Investing in Vanilla – IOTW Report

Keep Your Silver, William Devane, I’m Investing in Vanilla

At $600 a kilo, the ice cream flavoring that enhances all those delicious toppings is now out performing silver. The shortage of pure vanilla is being caused by typhoon damage done to the island of Madagascar two years ago. More than 75 percent of the world’s vanilla beans are grown there and though the destruction to the vanilla plantations happened years ago, estimates are that it will take upwards of five years to fully recover.  More

11 Comments on Keep Your Silver, William Devane, I’m Investing in Vanilla

  1. “More than 75 percent of the world’s vanilla beans are grown there…”

    Probably due to some hipster/globalist “Responsibly Sourced” bullshit subsidies for third world stone-age farmers. Must be a hundred places in the world to grow vanilla, but we need to prop up the noble dirt farmers of Madagascar. Nothing responsible about putting all your eggs in one raggedy basket-case shit hole country.

  2. Madagascar vanilla is the cat’s meow.

    I used to get it from Pensey’s but when they went psycho pro lib, I stopped purchasing anything from them.

    Haven’t found a vanilla to grace my creations as well since then. This is a situation of boycott affecting the “boycotter.” 🙂 Guess that’s OK, their customers are now libs and I certainly don’t want to be associated with them.

  3. It’s the energy companies. They sell fossil fuels that put CO2 in the atmosphere, and that causes climate change which causes typhoons that wipe out crops. And Trump lets them do it! So it’s all the fault of oil companies and Trump! They cause earthquakes with their fracking, too.

  4. Haha! I am in possession of 8 whole vanilla pods hermetically sealed in glass vials purchased from Costco for the bargain basement price of about $10.00. I’ve bought pure Madagascar vanilla extract from Costco for years — starting at about $7.00 for 16 ounces. It’s the best. But the price has shot up to about $26.00 for 16 ounces! I use a lot of the stuff and only have about 20 ounces left in the pantry. Hope necessity invents an equal or better replacement.

  5. Ray Nagin May 7, 2018 at 3:11 pm


    Chocolate City, here we come.

    Good chocolate especially fudge (which I just made), calls for vanilla. Good thing I bought a bottle of it a year ago at Costco for $17.99 a bottle. I thought that was outrageous. Now it’s up for over $36.00 a bottle at Costco. Almost all bakery goods, candy, etc., has vanilla in it. Vanilla keeps for a very long time too – it has alcohol and sugar in it (some brands). You can also make your own vanilla, recipes are on the net, just google it.

  6. If you REALLY want to gamble on the spice trade, try investing in real saffron, one day you might outperform gold with that one! 🙂

    Interesting to read about another poster having stopped supporting Penzeys as well – they’re local to my area, but man, you couldn’t pay me to give them another dime again. I went back once just so I could ask for the manager to tell them that the owner’s political opinions ensured I’d never support their shop again.

  7. When I go to Big Bend National Park in far West Texas, I’ll cross the Rio Grande River to the small village of Boquillas and will buy large bottles of Mexican vanilla. It is very good and reasonable in price.

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