Asking For a Friend – IOTW Report

Asking For a Friend

A site that wanted to link us in a very high profile way asked us what we would like to use as a tagline, like Gateway Pundit’s, “Where Hope Finally Makes a Comeback.”

I had no answer. I never really gave it much thought.

Suggestions please.

And this is not an attempt to fish for compliments, it’s an earnest effort to capture what the hell we are?

Wait… “iOTWreport. What the hell are we?”



182 Comments on Asking For a Friend

  1. IOTW

    Hey, at least we’re not Gateway Pundit


    We make Charles Johnson cry.


    We’re articulate, bright, clean and a nice-looking. Just like Obama, only slightly more white.

  2. iOTW ~ Yeah, we built that!
    ~ Now, with more Flabinoids
    ~ NOT Nuclear-Free
    ~ Not responsible for your panties in a wad
    ~ With all due respect … your cranial/rectal inversion is showing
    ~ With all due respect … naaaaaaaah …
    ~ We don’t serve shitpickles

  3. IOTW Report———-Digging The Legacy Media’s Grave For Years
    IOTW Report———-All This Flack Tell’s Us We’re Right Over The Target
    IOTW Report———-No Printing Press, No Muskets, No Problem. Freedom Evoloved.
    IOTW Report———-Not Your Grand Daddy’s NEWs Rag

  4. — “If you want to get ahead, get a (Big Fur) hat!” (stolen from the American Hat Council, 1934) — “It’s a bit of an animal.” (stolen from Peperami, 1993) — “Lifts and separates!” (stolen from Playtex, 1930’s)


  5. IOTW: Can we borrow some money?
    IOTW: In Other Trumping Words…
    IOTW: What the NYT would be if it actually cared about journalism
    IOTW: One server crash away from oblivion

  6. @Rich Taylor:

    where the cool kids hang out

    I really like this, as do several others here, but there one thing that bothers me. The median age here seems to be about 60! Heck, tomorrow I start working on my 70th year.

  7. Happy Birthday Unca Al……. Oh yeah my submission:

    “iOTWreport… making fun of the insane left since XXXX…”

    I seriously cannot remember when you got this rolling!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. 175 comments?!? That’s gotta break a record.
    Well, I’m late to the party, and I admit to not reading most yet, but…

    All the news they tried to flush.
    Where the Left shows it’s slip.
    Pulling back the curtain.

  9. This is a test. Please ignore.

    Checking to see if I’m allowed a few infrequently used HTML presentation tags.

    big: this should be big
    small: this should be small
    sub: this should be subscript
    sup: this should be superscript
    tt: this should look like teletype

    edit: Well, dang. The tags got stripped out even from the editable source. No joy.

  10. @Uncle Al: I don’t know if you’ll see this, but can you tell me where other commenters
    are getting the cool emoticons and other symbols to post with their remarks? Copying
    and pasting them doesn’t seem to work, and almost all the ones I used to use no longer function, either. About the only ones that still work for me are 🙂 , 😉 , and 🙁
    (colon, right paren; semicolon, right paren; and colon, left paren).

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