Georgia: Contestants Told to “Cut the Crap” At Cornhole Contest – IOTW Report

Georgia: Contestants Told to “Cut the Crap” At Cornhole Contest

A cornhole fund raiser in Georgia turned into a brawl as participants came to blows over the score keeping. Said the reporter who was at the scene “Alcohol and beanbags don’t mix.” More 

22 Comments on Georgia: Contestants Told to “Cut the Crap” At Cornhole Contest

  1. Please, can we take back the game “bean bag toss?”
    Remember the scene in OFFICE SPACE when Lawrence tells Peter “Hey, Peter, watch out for your cornhole” before he goes to prison?

  2. Who knew that cornhole was just a game? I sure didn’t, I always thought it meant someone was getting it in the ass. And even then it made no sense, call me naïve I never even heard the term till I was in HS in the late 60’s. We did have a HS teacher we called Cornhole but that was out of spite more than anything else.

  3. I was gifted by my best childhood friend, about ten years ago with a custom set of Cornhole boards. They are Pink Floyd album covers. They’re beautiful.

    I don’t think we can put pics on a post, can we?

  4. Webster’s Dictionary: ‘Cornhole’ … formerly know as ‘Beanbag’, a game played by little children, currently the girly-man answer to the game of ‘Horseshoes’


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