Michael Knowles, Daily Wire Writer, Has Some Big Onions – IOTW Report

Michael Knowles, Daily Wire Writer, Has Some Big Onions

Knowles writes an essay that seems to take direct aim at his boss, Ben Shapiro.

I couldn’t help but read “right Ben?” after every point the guy makes. In fact, I’m going to add it because… I feel like it.

Daily Wire-

The Iran Deal in tatters, three American hostages safely returned from North Korea, which now offers to denuclearize and end the Korean War after 68 years, five top ISIS leaders captured — and that’s just this week. On the domestic front, in just a year-and-a-half, landmark tax reform has made the U.S. more competitive, fewer illegal aliens are entering our country than at any time in the past 17 years, and dozens of federal judges have taken the bench to defend the rule of law and our constitutional system. According to a poll from CNN of all outlets, more Americans today think the country is headed in the right direction than at any time in over a decade.

The Left unsurprisingly remains steadfast in their opposition to President Trump. What’s disappointing is that a handful of “Never Trump” Republicans remain equally unwilling to admit the obvious: Donald Trump is a good president. Right Ben? Indeed, the remaining anti-Trump voices on the Right seem more desperate than ever to take down the president, if only to prove that, actually, they were right all along. Right Ben?

People are stubborn. More precisely, they easily fall prey to commitment bias, whereby individuals become more convinced of their position once they have declared it publicly. Right Ben? The more people defend their opinions, the more difficult those opinions are to dislodge even as evidence mounts to rebut them. Right Ben? Foolish ideologues, presented with evidence that reality contradicts their theories, reject reality for their theories. Right Ben?

Read the rest here and try not to hear “right Ben?” in your head.

12 Comments on Michael Knowles, Daily Wire Writer, Has Some Big Onions

  1. One of the definitions of inflexibility and/or intransigence is the inability to admit
    when you have been wrong and move on.

    I was wrong about Trump when he first got started because I was ignorant and
    bought into the popular narrative, but that was then and this is now.

    What’s the NeverTrumpers’ excuse?

  2. It’s seems these people put their personal distaste for Trump way out in front of any of the remarkable achievements he has accomplished. That says so much more about what these people care about than all their other preening. The dark cloud that’s been hovering over this country is lifting and they are oblivious.

  3. Yep, same here, the wife and I were just talking about this last night.
    After Juan on the Five, I have to vent.
    Once read the Little Jewish Soy Boi, no more. Right Ben?
    What I don’t get, they still protest him on a campus, talk about Prog’s lack of awareness.

  4. All the critics do is complain about petty little things “he wears his necktie too long” and other chickenshit crap. If they were concerned about the people of this country they’d be as happy as we are.

  5. “Knowles writes an essay that seems to take direct aim at his boss, Ben Shapiro.”

    Only to those that don’t listen to Shapiro or mis-characterize his positions.

    In just about every one of his youtube videos, you can check yourself, when asked about Trump’s policies, he praises them. The tax cut, the improving economy, creating new jobs, moving the Jewish capital, great judges appointed, slashing regulations, getting the 3 hostages back, maybe an historic NK treaty, all these have been lauded by Ben and talked about often.

    Crickey, all the dumbasses on the other side of the aisle and you gotta take shots at one of our own, puzzling.

  6. @Corona

    To me, Trump is more than just a “FU”… he is a perfect MURDER WEAPON.

    And he gets more dangerous to the DeepState every day.

    “Now comes the pain.”
    ~ Q

  7. Wait’ll Knowles hears about Stefan Halper. Or maybe he has already and is disgusted with nevertrumpers. It figures that a nevertrumper is at the root of the deep state spying.

  8. But nobody skewers the SJWs like Ben Shapiro.

    I suggest giving him time to come around. He is a libertarian, not a conservative. Give him a chance. He’s a brilliant debater, and he has most things right. Even William F. Buckley had weaknesses.

    He bombs left wingers, and is very useful overall to the conservative movement.

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