Study: Washington DC is full of drug addicts – IOTW Report

Study: Washington DC is full of drug addicts

Daily Caller— STUDY: DC Has More Drug Problems Than Anywhere Else In The Country.

Washington, D.C., has the highest rate of drug use and addiction of any state in the country, according to a WalletHub study released Monday.

Drug addiction has become an epidemic in the U.S., claiming the lives of more than 60,000 Americans in 2016 — more than during the Vietnam War. The eastern U.S. has been hardest hit, with state and federal lawmakers scrambling for a solution. Some have proposed legal “injection sites” where addicts can shoot heroin safely to cut down on overdose deaths.  more here

13 Comments on Study: Washington DC is full of drug addicts

  1. DC has more cops per square foot than any other place on Earth.
    If DC has a “drug problem” then what hope (for a Police solution) has the rest of the country?
    The problem may be one of morality not addiction.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. It’s not a “State”. It’s a specially
    created Federal District with about
    the same population and racial makeup
    as nearby Baltimore City. (600,000) The 40 mile separation is nearly meaningless when it comes to drugs and crime. The DC budget and many of its rules are run by Congress but as we can see the Feds can’t keep the criminals under control either.
    I saw turn the whole place into a military center with MP’s as the police.

  3. John’s spot on. DC most resembles Baltimore and Detroit. Overwhelmingly black, with a white office population that mostly commutes in from Virginia and Maryland.
    Decades of all-Dem and mostly all-black officialdom. Legalized marijuana is now omnipresent in public, often laced with other drugs.

    Re: Congress, PDT could drain the swamp fast by decreeing constant random drug tests for ALL Federal employees, just like airline/transport workers.
    Call it National Security. Make it a Commander In Chief directive.
    Include ALL Federal Judges. Including SCOTUS.
    Resignations and early retirements would become a tsunami.
    MAGA, baby.

  4. If only there were a way to reduce the amount of illegal drugs flowing into the country, maybe something like a fence or a wall or something. I wonder if that would help.

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