Bosch Fawstin Alerts Twitter To Death Threats Against Him By Muslims – Who’s the One Suspended Today? – IOTW Report

Bosch Fawstin Alerts Twitter To Death Threats Against Him By Muslims – Who’s the One Suspended Today?

Bosch Fawstin was the winner of the Draw Muhammad contest in Garland, Texas. He is a counter-jihadist, not anti-Muslim. He’s been suspended from Twitter for “hateful conduct.”

Two accounts owned by Muslims that issued death threats (is that not hateful conduct?) against Fawstin are still active.

Twitter is a farce.


ht/ wisco dave



9 Comments on Bosch Fawstin Alerts Twitter To Death Threats Against Him By Muslims – Who’s the One Suspended Today?

  1. As soon as the red wave happens in November, Twitter will throw a fit and be mass-deleting Republicans. Which will take out a handful of Dems along with them when when they question what’s going on.

  2. enough with SHITTER…it is a total left wing joke…I have been shadow banned for 2 years and my tweets never get posted or even shown half the time…….and I have got banned once for calling Kim Kardashian a slut?

  3. A viable alternative seems inevitable.

    Twitter is a Radio Shack Atari running Compuserve “WOW! ” dial-up 2400 Baud on a Zenith green monoscreen and a dot matrix thermal roll printer.
    Soon, like floppy discs and the DNC, it will be a trivia question.

  4. I just got permanently banned for saying that MS-13 assassins should be hanged instead of imprisoned for 25-life.
    They called it “targeted harassment”.
    I don’t know if I want to go back or not with a VPN/Proxy.
    On one hand if they silence me they win, on the other hand maybe I should be doing more productive things with my time.
    Can’t decide.

  5. doesn’t have the reach that Twitter does.
    If you want to reach hearts and minds, you need to go to where the action is, or where the most hearts and minds are.

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