How to make Coconut Macaroons – IOTW Report

How to make Coconut Macaroons

19 Comments on How to make Coconut Macaroons

  1. OK, I only watched 1:25 but I want every second of that back, no where in our contract does it say I have to watch the entire 4:15.
    I feel used, abused, humiliated, discarded and ignored.
    I am butt hurt and demand retribution.

  2. “Not with bacon, you don’t.”

    LOL. Ya gotta point there. I’ll try frying some bacon, draping it over the MAC, and sprinkling brown sugar over the top of both.

  3. MJ&A I get coal in my stocking BaHumBug !!!!
    I will do a double freakazoid Kaniption fit
    and spazz out if just 1 carroway seed from rye
    bread hits my tongue.Literally makes me shiver * shake.


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