Now They’re Claiming The Spying Was To Protect Trump From the Russians – IOTW Report

Now They’re Claiming The Spying Was To Protect Trump From the Russians

The coming revelations on the deep state’s subversion of our national intelligence and justice agencies must be awful given all the pre-released leaks before the Justice Department Inspector General’s report and further digging by congressional committees.

Not only have the strategic leakers confirmed the name of the spy sent in to find dirt on the Trump Campaign, but they’re telling us their informant was planted to “protect” the candidate from Russian meddling. More

21 Comments on Now They’re Claiming The Spying Was To Protect Trump From the Russians

  1. Aerodynamic Swine are landing at the Barraky Osmidigen Airport in Washington D.C. as we speak. Pilot Susan Rice and copilot Samantha Powers are clutching their pearls and begging James Comey to come forward to help land this flying bomb before it explodes over the J. Edgar Hoover building where it all began. Clean up crews are standing by in the Trump White House to lend assistance to the Department of Justice, in case they want to hand this off to another bunch of Clinton supporters to investigate themselves.

  2. the NY Times has hated America for over 100 years. About 90 years ago Uncle Joe started his White Russian Holocaust. Between 10,000,000 + 16,000,000 Whites were killed oy Uncle Joe from 1928 – 1935. My next door neighbors(50 years ago) were both grand children of Whites that escaped Uncle Joe in ’33. Their grandparents told them the Communist Holocaust was Hell on Earth. But the NY times got a Pulitzer for an America hater “journalist” “reporting” from USSR saying that reports of almost 20 million Whites being massacred was “deplorable” propaganda. The American hating Pulitzer Prize winner was Walter Duranty. About 15 years ago the NYT admitted that Duranty may have been a KGB agent; therefore his “reporting” may have been FLAWED?!@#!?>%&#!

    The above actually makes 2 points”
    Both the NYTimes has hated America for 100 years and published American hatred as news; and they still do.
    The Pulitzer Board has been Anti America for at least 80 years; and still are

    I will add the the prize honoring the worlds most successful war monger – his first $billion maker was “Smokeless” gunpowder; his second $billion profit maker was TNT -With a truly Orwellian name PEACE prize has been Anti American since I was in grammar school HST was President.

    I have direct, personal experience with the American hate at the Post from 1950. Post published American hate as “news” which was the opposite of what I saw with my very own lying eyes!

  3. REALLY?! And all along I thought that the FIBBIES planted a foreign spy in the Trump campaign to protect the Russkies from candidate Trump.
    (/sarc off)

  4. If this were legitimate the FBI would have let candidate Trump know they were putting a plant in place.
    There is no indication that Mr. Trump was informed.
    This is a completely false claim.

  5. please God, deliver us from the evil ones. Pour your anger on those that would destroy this country that was founded in Your Name. The country that choses to stand with the apple of Your Eye, Israel.

  6. Apparently the FBI and the DOJ is rotten to the core…we don’t hear anything from within about what actually went on. The whistle blowers from within must all be gagged and tied, or more likely don’t exist!


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