Student sues over right to wear pro-border wall shirt – IOTW Report

Student sues over right to wear pro-border wall shirt

Oregon Live-

A Liberty High School senior is suing his school, the principal and school district, claiming his First Amendment rights were violated when he was told by an administrator to go home or cover up a T-shirt that promoted President Donald Trump’s demand for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Addison Barnes is seeking an injunction stopping the Hillsboro School District from enforcing school dress codes “in a manner inconsistent with” the First Amendment and an order allowing him to wear the banned shirt to Liberty High School. The lawsuit, filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Portland, also seeks an undisclosed amount of money in damages.

The shirt’s logo: “Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.” Under the logo it said, “The wall just got 10 feet taller.”

Barnes wore the shirt sometime this school year to his first period “People and Politics” class, where immigration was going to be the topic of discussion, the lawsuit said. Assistant principal Amanda Ryan-Fear took Barnes out of the class and told him to cover the shirt because at least one other student and a teacher said they were offended by it.


I’m offended by people who do believe in the 1st amendment.

Can we have them taken out into the hall and covered up?

ht/ jd hasty

13 Comments on Student sues over right to wear pro-border wall shirt

  1. “suing his school, the principal and school district”
    “also seeks an undisclosed amount of money in damages”

    it’s the taxpayer who is really being sued.

    I guess the only recourse is what organ grinder suggests, make them live up to their own rules.

    complain about any tee shirt with a message on it until the principal cries uncle, then sue when they don’t take your being offended seriously.

    homeschooling looks better all the time.

    homeschooling parents should get the same amount for each child being homeschooled as the districts gets for public schooling them.

    hit them where it hurts the pocketbook.

    it will take an extreme amount of effort but we can beat them at their own game.

  2. Let me guess: The good teacher wasn’t bothered by shoot Trump messages, Planned Parenthood themes, gay marriage propaganda, Che or Mao T shirts, rainbow buttons, pro muslim-kill American messages, anti Second Amendment signs…

  3. Bill

    Homeschooling has been growing for over 25 years. It got a big boost 15 years ago after Common Core/NCLB went into operation. Because of the “surge” in homeschooling the last 15 years many lefties are working to “legally” outlaw it!
    Check GWB’s speech on Common Core/NCLB just 2 weeks ago. Our progressive ex President thinks “homeschooling hurts America!”.#!@%&#!?

    Liberals are working hard to kill homeschooling.


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