A little more to the left, a little more… just a little more… PERFECT! – IOTW Report

A little more to the left, a little more… just a little more… PERFECT!

34 Comments on A little more to the left, a little more… just a little more… PERFECT!

  1. I noticed that behind barry’s head it says Netfux. We are quitting Netflix, it’s not what it used to be when it was mostly just older movies you got in the mail. Now they are mostly crap and I gave up on watching the Australian version of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries on Netflix when they had a very pornographic episode with full frontal female nudity. It just bugged the hell out of me since it wasn’t necessary, I’m not a prude it just wasn’t right. Gratuitous sex bothers me far more than violence does in movies especially war movies and Westerns.

  2. Season one:Episode one

    Owebama sees a Spider and mistakenly thinks it’s a Vagina…

    faints dead away..and is airlifted to Bethesda at Taxpayers


    Season one:Episode Two

    Mooch teaches Barry how to pee standing up…Hilarity ensues!!!

  3. Ya know, I’m a simple man who isn’t, I think, stupid. I just can’t wrap my head around this Netflix/Obama production deal….It’s almost like some broad got pissed off at a ‘Tim Horton’s’ restaurant in Canada and dropped her shorts and shit on the floor, then threw it at the cashier….

  4. I find myself in a pickle. I gotta join so I can pull down all the Longmire shit. I’m a big western fan. Clint Walker died today. Named my youngest after him. RIP big guy.

  5. F4UCorsair
    When I was about 5 dad took us to a boat show. Big event. Wasn’t uncommon back then for manufactures to hire celebrities to hang around there displays. Well I attended there wearing my usual attire at that age. Mattel six guns and a cowboy hat. Who did we run into? Clint Walker wearing a suite a cowboy hat. I remember him hoisting me in the air and asking me if I was Matt Dillon. Which according to my parents I replied “No, I’m you”. He actually has quite quite a story.

  6. @geoff the aardvark:
    “…I gave up on watching the Australian version of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries on Netflix when they had a very pornographic episode with full frontal female nudity.”

    Geoff: Which episode is that? Asking for…

  7. What’s with big Mike? He’s always taller than Barky, in every place you see them?
    And its mug has air brush work for sure.
    BTW, I don’t think for a minute that BHO is the brains behind all the stuff that has gone down, nothing was done without Val-jar. I’m not saying she’s at the top, just the one that told everybody how high to jump.
    BHO is just not all smart, that’s a given. The whole family is fake.

  8. The ex president will be featured in a series where every show has him {accompanied by his pet skunk ape} exploring ever more creative ways to include the words I, me and notion into every sentence. If you think he’s already exhausted all possibilities just stay tuned!

  9. BRAD

    I too watched the Cowboy trio when in high school.

    I had no idea Clint was 6’5′ and 245! One of the others was SUGAR FOOT forgot the 3rd. Ike was President when those shows ran; I clearly am old.

  10. A list of the Obama’s tv shows for fall:

    Sitcom: You didn’t build that!
    Drama: The White Outhouse
    Soap Opera: As the World burns
    Horror: The Voting Dead
    Fashion: Michele O’s House of Drag!
    (we got a sneak peak of episode one: Boob Belt Bonanza!)

  11. Season one:Episode Three

    Mooch and Barry go on vacation to Kenya to look for his long lost birth certificate. The journey comes to an abrupt and hilarious end when Barry discovers that his Kenyan grandmother shredded it right before Barry ran for Preezydent.

    Season one:Episode Four

    Guest appearance by ValJar who teaches Barry how to use photoshop and adobe acrobat to create new social security cards and other forms of govt. ID. Hilarity ensues when Barry puts “African American” down for race instead of negro on his 1961 birth certificate.

  12. Season one:Episode Five “Obama’s Legacy, I didn’t build that”

    Barry buys large building in Chicago to use for his new Preezydential Legacy LieBarry only to find out it is a crack den, has been condemned by the city, and is scheduled for demolition. Special guest appearance by Don Trump Jr. who buys it from Barry for $1 and builds new Trump Hotel on lot.

  13. Season one: Episode Six “You dropped oBOMBa on me”

    Barry, Mooch, Dennis Rodman, and bodyman Reggie Love fly to North Korea to join lil fat Kim on his NOKO Rocketmen basketball team. Hilarity ensues when Barry and friends are arrested at the lil fat Kim Rocketman Intl. airport because of drugs in Barry’s luggage.

    When little fat Kim offers to release Barry and friends back to the US in a show of good faith, President Trump tells Kim that if he wants a nuke deal, he’ll have to keep Barry and friends.

  14. Ok, here’s another:

    Season one: Episode Seven “National Felons and Ladyboys”

    Mooch and Barry go to see a Washington Redskins home game. Hilarity ensues when the Redskins’ star running back is ejected from the game for kneeling during the National Anthem and Mooch (aka Big Mike) grabs the footballer’s helmet and takes the field.

    Mooch leads the Redskins to victory over the NE Patriots with 563 rushing yards and 7 touchdowns. Not to be outdone, Barry tries out for Redskin’s cheerleader squad and pulls his groin muscle.


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