McCain Admits Iraq War Was A Mistake – IOTW Report

McCain Admits Iraq War Was A Mistake

DC: Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona admitted Friday that the Iraq War was a mistake.

“The principal reason for invading Iraq, that Saddam had WMD, was wrong,” McCain wrote in his new book. “The war, with its cost in lives and treasure and security, can’t be judged as anything other than a mistake, a very serious one, and I have to accept my share of the blame for it.”  more here

SNIP: He claims that is why he didn’t beat 0bama.  *eye roll*
But what is this about? We all know McCain never turns down the opportunity to bomb someone.

23 Comments on McCain Admits Iraq War Was A Mistake

  1. McCain has absolutely no honor nor manparts to even enter into this discussion.

    Maybe he should learn morse code and then eye-blink his news conferences as true war fighters learned to do.

  2. Hillary – McCain Circling the Drain 2018 World Tour.

    Edit.. This logging in every post is horseshit. I really wish ‘we’ had a better format for comments. (yes, firefox click the box etc.)

  3. @ Richard Cranium

    Don’t know if this will help you or not, but this is my tale.

    On my iPad (Safari) and on my computer (Firefox) I do not have to log in my name unless I “leave” IOTW. I’m remembered for just the duration of my stay. Plus I don’t need to type out my email either.

    At CTH I have to type in everything for each and post when using Firefox on my MS computer. That computer is fortified with all kinds of adware and allows select cookies. On that computer, if I use IE, for CTH, I only have to log in with email and name the first time I use it for a stay. However IE is slow and swamped with ads. Apparently Firefox is the engine that my son fortified.

  4. Decisions are made with the best information available at the time.
    And some times we err on the side of caution.
    The whole world – THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD – was convinced (by their “intelligence” agencies) that Hussein had WMDs.
    Does no one remember this?

    Perhaps the “intelligence” agencies were playing some other, deeper, more nefarious game? Who knows? I certainly don’t – and I assume that our gov’t thought that action the “better” option than a nuclearized Iraq. And I’m not sure that whatever WMDs Hussein had weren’t surreptitiously spirited away by those same “intelligence” agencies for sale to the highest bidders (Iran, for instance).

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. So when the clock is ticking on the time to meet his maker, he is basically admitting all his sins. Basically he was a liar, a cheater, a RINO. Good to know John! If you pay attention you can even see his own daughter pulling away from his awful ways.

  6. Enough with the lies! We did find a few chemical weapons and slightly enriched uranium yellow cake. Pesky facts!

    Saddam Hussein (same middle name as Obama…coincidence?) gassed his own people. He boasted he had them. It would have been irresponsible to let this monster who supported terrorism retain any of them. Saddam may have sent them over the border to Syria, which just recently used them. Also, we found some older sarin gas artillery shells. The New York Slimes could not bother to print that though. The lie must be maintained. Just a single violation with a single chemical weapon was grounds for punishing him. We all sleep safer tonight with his neck snapped. Justice!

  7. The idea that we invaded Iraq because of WMDs is the Left’s rewrite of the reason we invaded Iraq.

    We invaded Iraq because Saddam kept on violating the terms of the cease-fire agreement throughout the 1990’s and this finally culminated in UN Resolution 1441. That resolution in so many words ended the cease-fire agreement and thus hostilities were resumed. President Bush then announced that we had to put teeth in the UN or the UN resolution means nothing and the UN means nothing. In light of the events of 9-11 we could not accept that Saddam could go on and there had to be regime change. He put together a coalition and once we were in place to attack Iraq he gave Saddam an ultimatum: he had 48 hours to step down and regime change could go peacefully or if he did not we would attack and effect regime change once he was gone.

    Colin Powell made a big deal about WMD in Iraq before the invasion but that wasn’t the reason why we invaded. The Left very effectively used the WMDs as a diversion. But it wasn’t why we invaded Iraq.

    We invaded Iraq to effect regime change.

    And McCain knows this very well. That man is not a man.

  8. My view is the second Iraq war was to draw Al Queda to Iraq where we could kill them on foreign soil, using the excuse that Sodamn Insane violated the cease fire to do so. Maybe that was a good idea or maybe not. Either way it was a mistake to nominate McCain to run for president or to elect him more than once as a senator.

  9. You’d think someone who admits such costly mistakes would have the decency to withdraw from his powerful position as a decisionmaker, especially since he’s an old fart who’s terminally ill.

    egotistical, self-serving JACKASS!


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