Memorial Day Reader Survey – IOTW Report

Memorial Day Reader Survey

Let’s have a little bonding with our fellow reader on this memorial day.

Copy these questions into the comments box and answer as many as you feel comfortable with.

  1. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
  2. You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
  3. What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
  4. If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
  5. What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?
  6. Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
  7. You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?
  8. Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
  9. Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?
  10. Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?

61 Comments on Memorial Day Reader Survey

  1. 1. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? First time at the Indy 500
    2. You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? Steak, corn on the cob, butterscotch ice cream and coconut La Crox sparkling water. Sorry. Haven’t had a drink for 18 years — used to be good whiskey 🥃
    3. What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? Can’t remember that far back
    4. If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? MJA or BFH — are you a reader Furr?
    5. What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? Vietnam Nam Veteran wall. Saw a replica years ago when it visited Chicago.
    6. Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? My husband has (had) both but his sense of humor and generosity are primo.
    7. You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? Hot
    8. Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? I need to taste food.
    9. Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? When.
    10. Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? Overdressed. I can make a fun thing of it.

  2. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? A: Can’t think of anythingspecific.
    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? A: Beef Brisket, Tater Salad, Corn on the Cob, Shiner Bock.
    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? A: Dune.
    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? A: Riverlife_Callie. We’re dog people.
    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? A: USS Arizona and USS Missouri.
    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? A: Neither. Brains!
    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? A: As a half Scandihooligan, a little bit cold.
    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? A: Gain weight with a little food. I’m already on that path.
    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? A: When.
    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? A: Overdressed.

  3. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    May 1972, the first Memorial Day after completing my U.S. army enlistment and being honorably discharged as an E-5.

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Rib-eye steak, fresh sweet corn on the cob, fresh lemon/lime-ade made from Meyer lemons and Key limes.

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    That was when I was in high school, around 1965. Suzie and I were in the back seat and, y’know, I have no idea what was on the screen.

    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    Vietvet so we could trade puns.

    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?
    Barky’s grave.

    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    As long as she has a beautiful heart, soul, and mind, the rest is of no real importance.

    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?
    A little bit cold, but not much.

    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    Dang. That’s a toughie. Can I alternate those two month-by-month?

    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?
    When, so I’ll have no excuse for procrastinating “getting my affairs in order” and leaving loose ends.

    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?
    If I have to choose, then I’d rather be over-dressed.

  4. 1. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? Camping at the coast on a rainy day in a too small trailer.
    2. You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? Ribs, potato salad, apple pie, iced tea.
    3. What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? Firefox.
    4. If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? MARY Jane
    5. What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? Statue of Liberty
    6. Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? The later
    7. You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? Cold
    8. Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? The later.
    9. Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? When
    10. Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? Overdressed

  5. 1. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    Two years ago I spent the day with an old friend. We barbecued, I fixed his computer, and we drank to the memory of our fallen friends. Now he rests with them. R.I.P. MSGT Ray Wiebe, 302nd, USAF.

    2. You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    2″ steak, Maine lobster tails, potatoes, any German brew with around 18 letters in the name.

    3. What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    Well, I was there when Waterworld played, but it wasn’t the movie I was there for.

    4. If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    Cato, with VV and BB a toss-up for 2nd.

    5. What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?

    6. Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    I’ll take the pretty face. Without that, I’m unlikely to look much further.

    7. You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?

    8. Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    No idea.

    9. Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?

    10. Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?

  6. 1. Favorite memory? Women in stars and stripes bikinis.
    2. BBQ chow? Sirloin, potato salad, pomegranate fruit bar, Surge.
    3. Last drive-in movie? Airplane
    4. Drink with a reader? MJA
    5. What national monument? The Grand Canyon
    6. Who do you marry? Beautiful body/bad face.
    7. Cold or hot, which do you choose? A little bit hot.
    8. Would rather always gain weight from just a little food.
    9. Would rather know how I’m going to die. Then I can figure out when.
    10. Would rather be very overdressed for occasions.

  7. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? BBQ with the family
    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? Potato salad, hot dogs, chips and whiskey
    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? Guns of Navarone
    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? Moe Tom because reasons
    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? The New Rushmore with Reagan and Trump
    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? Both at separate times
    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? Cold, and unfeeling
    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? First one
    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? How so I might see the situation and cheat the game (My chance of being eaten by a Tiger go way down if I avoid the Zoo)
    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? Lazlo does not appear in public without walking stick and cravat

  8. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    All of the ones we’ve had since my husband and I had children have been the best.

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Stella Artois beer. Corn bread, pig roast, the cannoli cake my best friend makes – and only hers, none other even come close.

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    I really enjoyed the newer version of The Jungle Book that came out a few years ago. We still have TWO drive-in theaters here, and that is the only way I will see a movie on the big screen.
    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    Abigail Adams. But I’d like to go to a party with ALL of you and have lots of drinks!

    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?
    Mount Rushmore, preferably after they add President Trump!
    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    Doesn’t matter. I just need him to be physically strong, be very good at fixing things, and be loyal to me and our family. Luckily, I’ve got him, and he is tall and handsome as well!

    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? Cold, because it’s easier to fix. When I was young and cuter I’d have chosen hot.
    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? I hate growing too fat for the clothes I have because I hate clothes shopping, so buh bye taste buds! We get to keep our sense of food texture, right? Good enough!
    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? I don’t want to know, but if I have to choose I guess I’ll pick when so whoever I leave behind can prepare for life without me.

    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? Overdressed if I was guaranteed to look VERY good, otherwise underdressed and comfortable.

  9. Can we add one more?
    11. Which iOTWreport blogger would you wanna go heavy drinking with?
    Mr. Pinko, and we’d probably end up in jail after having the most fun ever and causing legendary amounts of NY style trouble. Oh, the places we would get kicked out of!

  10. 1. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    First time giving the prayer for a memorial service at a local cemetary.

    2. You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Orange Cream soda, cheeseburger, white potato salad, bake beans.

    3. What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    Doctor Detroit!

    4. If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?

    5. What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?
    I’ve seen the wall – now I need tall – St. Louis Arch

    6. Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    Neither – mind is/always be more important

    7. You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?
    Little bit hot – at least you don’t shiver

    8. Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    lose sense of taste (but someday I’ll tell you why).

    9. Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?
    I already know how I’m going to die – but wondering when is an itch that’s scratchy.

    10. Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?
    Never been a big dresser – so very underdressed.

  11. What’s been your favorite Memorial Day weekend memory? Not having to go to work.
    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. BBQ brisket, KFC coleslaw, sweet iced tea.
    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? Soylent Green, IIRC
    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? Well, now that uncle Al has picked me, common courtesy requires that I choose him in return, doesn’t it.
    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Seen the traveling Wall, but it’s not the same.
    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? What Uncle Al said. Bodies and faces grow old and ugly; beautiful spirit does not.
    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? A little bit hot. Vietnam beats Korea any time in my book.
    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? Nature has already chosen Option B for me.
    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? Probably when. If I knew how, I’d spend the rest of my life worrying about when it was going to happen. And how to try to avoid it.
    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? You can’t be too overdressed for any occasion. Just kidding, of course, but better to be over than under, although either way can be embarrassing.


  12. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    • You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? LOBSTER, Heavy Cream, Ice Cream, Steak
    • What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    • If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    • What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? Mt Rushmore
    • Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? The wife I love
    • You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? Little cold
    • Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? I’ll take the food
    • Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? I’d rather be dead already
    • Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? Just not go

  13. 1. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    Taking my son’s scout troop to Baltimore National Cemetery, placing flags at the tombstones and participating in the ceremony afterward. I believe it left an impression on the scouts. I know it did for me.
    2. You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Burgers, chicken and pie. Sweet iced tea.
    3. What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    I can’t remember the movie, but it was in south central Michigan over 30 years ago.
    4. If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    Abigail Adams and Geoff C. the Saltine
    5. What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?
    Mt. Rushmore
    6. Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    It doesn’t matter, as long as you love each other.
    7. You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?
    8. Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    I’m lucky that I can control my weight without much effort. I pick the second option.
    9. Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?
    When. Then I can prepare.
    10. Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?
    Overdressed. I can always remove my jacket and tie.

  14. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    Marching in my first Memorial Day parade when I was a Cub Scout.
    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Burgers, peel ‘n eat shrimp, and Mom’s potato salad; Coors Banquet.
    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    A James Bond flick whose title I don’t remember, but maybe Octopussy.
    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?
    Grand Canyon or Old Faithful (tie and both on bucket list)
    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    It’s the person, not the package for me.
    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?
    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?
    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?
    Overdressed; you can always shed some accessories!

  15. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    Big family parties at my uncle’s farm

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Hamburgers, my mom’s potato salad, three bean salad, beer

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?

    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?

    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?
    One of the ones out west

    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?

    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?
    Hot. You can do more things easier to stay cool than to stay warm, and it requires fewer clothes.

    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    Lose the taste.

    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?
    Ouch. Toughie. How.

    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?

  16. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? FAMILY BBQS, PARADES, LEGIONNAIRES SHOOTING OFF THEIR GUNS INTO THE AIR, TAPS
    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? SLOPPY JOES, STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE, GRILLED ASPARAGUS
    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? PROBABLY GREASE
    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? DONT DRINK MUCH BUT I LIKE THAT PIC OF JETHRO
    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? MONUMENT VALLEY
    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? FACE
    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? COLD
    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? GAIN WEIGHT FROM JUST A LITTLE FOOD
    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? HOW, MIGHT BE ABLE TO POSTPONE
    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? UNDERDRESSED

  17. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    It’s several actually. When I was a kid, my family would haul the kitchen table out into the front yard and we’d have breakfast outside. We always sat down to eat shortly before the Air Force flyover that came out from Hancock Air Field. Then we’d put everything back and drive or walk to the cemetery in town and visit my Dad’s grave. We did that every year when I was young.

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    I don’t care really. I’m not a foodie. But if I had to choose, I’d say a fat, juicy steak. A baked potato. And a Coke.

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    The Glass Bottom Boat with Doris Day. When the vacuum cleaner hose went up her leg is scared the shit out of me. I started screaming bloody murder in the backseat. I remember my Mom turned around and said, “Is it my glasses?!” No, it wasn’t her glasses, it was the freaking vacuum cleaner! I never ever went to a drive-in again. And it was years before I went near the vacuum cleaner. I was three.

    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    LadyGun12 or MJA. Or both. Yeah. I’m breaking the rules and saying both.

    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?
    I’ve never seen the Vietnam Memorial. It was built after the last time I was in DC. Is that a monument? I never can tell if that sort of thing is a monument or not. If that’s not a monument, I’ll say the Arizona in Hawaii. Unless that’s not a monument either.

    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    If those are my only choices, I’ll be single. I’m an all-or-nothing gal.

    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?
    Cold. I prefer the cold.

    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    I really don’t care about food. So I’d lose my sense of taste.

    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?
    Huh. That’s an interesting question. Your questions are getting good, Fur. I think I’d rather know how I’m going to die. If I knew when, I’d be too preoccupied about the date to live today. And that doesn’t sound too fun.

    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?
    Underdressed. The only way I could overdress for an occasion is if the dress code was “filthy, unwashed, smelly clothes.”

  18. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    Memorial Day 2015, I put out flags at Riverside National Cemetery
    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Potato salad, grilled burger, cheese, and a cold porter in a frosty glass
    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    The last one I remember was “The Cowboys” with John Wayne.
    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    Tough call: I’m with Zilla-party with all of you!
    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?
    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    The one with the beautiful heart
    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?
    A little bit cold
    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    I don’t want to lose my sense of taste.
    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?
    How-probably from being too fat (see answer above)
    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?

  19. 1. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    Not my fav by a long shot, one I will always remember, getting snake bit last year.

    2. You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Smoked turkey, succotash, NY cheese cake, damn good bourbon, none of that fake Tenn crap.

    3. What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    Last one I remember, The Graduate, “Are you trying to seduce me Mrs. Robinson?”.

    4. If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    Bubba Fur with MJA as the entertainment. Yeah, I know, suck up.

    4. What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?
    Damn, been to most, maybe the Erie Canal, always wanted to see a ditch dug by Irishmen.

    5. Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    6. You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?
    Cold, cold.

    7. Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    Gotta taste, otherwise, it’s just soy.

    8. Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?
    When, how would be moot.

    9. Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?
    I’m an overalls kinda guy.

  20. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    I’m from Indy so it was listening to the 500 when I was still young and wanted to be a race car driver.
    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    burger, chips, hotdogs and beer
    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    Either Batman or Robocop
    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    whomever is buying
    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?
    The Trump Isn’t Obama National Monument ( hasn’t been built yet)
    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?
    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    lode taste
    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?
    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?

  21. 1. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?

    Answering these questions

    2. You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?

    Brains, fresh brains, beans, and brew.

    3. What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?

    “Blue Water, White Death”

    4. If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?


    5. What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?

    My face on Mt. Rushmore.

    6. Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?

    Joe — Joe Mama

    7. You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?

    Dead, dead, dead — someday we’ll all be dead.

    – South Park Children’s Choir

    8. Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?


    9. Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?

    Muh, muh, maybe.

    10. Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?


  22. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? One of my brothers’ birthday is May 31, so that tended to be the focus of that weekend. Then I tended to have jobs that required me to work, so I have no specific memories of Memorial Day as such.

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? Fried chicken, potato salad and watermelon (!?) with lemonade.

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? I think it was a double feature of The Front Page and The Party in 1975.

    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? While a party with everyone would be nice, I would say Abigail Adams. But I would say BFH for Zilla’s question 11.

    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? My Grandfather used to live in D.C. so I have seen many of the things around there. Perhaps Gettysburg or Pearl Harbor.

    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? I got both! And the brains as Bayouwulf talked about! With all that luck used up where it counts I doubt I’ll ever win lotto: I used up my luck quota.

    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? Cold

    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? I’d prefer to watch the weight. Life would be rather dreary without taste — but that would make it easy to watch weight.

    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? I am pretty sure I know the what (short of being run over by a truck). When might be nice to know — do I have to make my money last another 30 years or can I just go for it now?

    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? I’m an overdressed kind of guy. I do notice that most of the answers were for overdressed, but I can appreciate OpenTheDoor’s overalls — strikes me that is because he is hard working; he did not say “ragged jeans.”

  23. 1. What’s been your favorite memorial day
    Marching band in small town parades.

    2. You can only have 3 food
    Butter sugar ribs

    3. What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?

    4. If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    MJA, we could go as twins!

    5. What national monument
    Go west!

    6. Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or
    Brain, a beautiful brain. Math is hard.

    7. You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or
    A little cold, my grandmother always made me put on a sweater when she was cold

    8. Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    So what’s wrong with being husky? I want it all.

    9. Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?
    I’m going to die happy

    10. Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?
    I don’t care, anything but a pink pussy hat


  24. 1.What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    I have none.
    2. You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Steak and grilled vegies. Cherry crisp on Independence Day.

    3. What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    Took the kids back in the 70s. Don’t remember the Disney movie though.
    4. If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    5. What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?
    The statue of the greatest living Pres ever, VSGPDJT, that will be erected as soon as the swamp is drained.
    6. Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    Beautiful soul, smart mind, alpha male.
    7. You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?
    8. Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    9. Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?
    10. Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?

  25. 1. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    Senior trip to Galveston Texas. Got laid for the first time.

    2. You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    – Steak, Potato Salad, Boston Cream Pie, and Beer.

    3. What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    – Dirty Dozen/Fritz the Kat

    4. If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    – I’d pick either Dianny or Diogenes. I love both of their unique blogs and find them both personally interesting.

    5. What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? Statue of Liberty, never been to NY.

    6. Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    -Beautiful face/bad body

    7. You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?
    -Little bit hot. Let’s get naked!

    8. Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    -Lose the sense of taste

    9. Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?
    – When

    10. Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?
    – Overdressed. I’m very much a Gentleman.

  26. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? memories? I can’t remember last week!
    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    watermelon, potato salad, hamburgers. Mint chocolate milk.
    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? Burt Reynolds in the ozarks. I told you, memory shot.
    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? Let’s see those lady reader pictures again.
    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? I’ve seen most. Rushmore.
    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? Neither.
    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? Cold. I can always layer up.
    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    Lose taste.
    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? Already know how, just waitin’ for when.
    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? Neither. Both connote a narcissist.

  27. #3 last drive in movie Toy Story 3

    #4 If you could have a drink with any IOTW reader who would it be ?
    Definitely Zonga on a beach in Red bathing suits

    #5 what National monument would you like to see before dying?
    Pearl Habor, not just for the History but also would love to go to Hawaii (would not want to live there )

    Bad face good body /nice face good body? At my age intellectual and social comparability are more important but 30 years ago I would say good body

  28. You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Hamburger, potato salad, coleslaw and beer

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    As old as I am, I’m embarassed to admit that I have never been to a drive-in movie.

    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    Let’s have a picnic and go to the drive in afterwards!

  29. 1. My Dad and I watched Saving Private Ryan together and he cried as it borught back his own experiences in the Pacific.
    2. Ice Tea, BBQ ribs, grilled hot dogs, potato salad.
    3. Night of the living Dead.
    4. BFH reads my comments, so BFH.
    5. The Jefferson Memorial, he’s my hero.
    6. Tried them both and the Beautiful body/bad face works for me.
    7. little bit cold.
    8. Lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, already have no sense of taste.
    9. Let’s not talk about this.
    10. I am always under dressed and will continue.

  30. Why won’t the numbers copy!? gaaaah!

    A) What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?

    As lil MJ, I lived in Japan. (long story) There would be picnic activities on whatever military base, for families. I always went with my parents and to this day, when I smell stale beer I think of that and smile. lol

    C) You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    foot long Hot dog, burnt ends, potato salad, iced-tea.

    3) What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?

    I did go in the early 2000s, but I do not remember which movie. So I’ll say back in the early 80s I went to see HALLOWEEN. I think.

    14) If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?

    I think we’d all have to get together. How does Vegas sound? Well except for Mr. Pinko. I hear he has warrants there.

    Z) What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?

    Mount Rushmore.

    2) Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?

    That’s a tough one. How bad is the body? What are we talking about here, like, Rickets?

    5)You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?

    Normal me prefers a little bit hot.
    Hot flash me wishes for the ice age.

    R)Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?

    I would lose sense of taste. It’s cheaper. lol.

    8) Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?

    I assume I’ll die from trying to pet a cranky wild animal.

    34) Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?

    Over dressed. I could always pretend I just came from or stopping in before I go to a formal wedding.

  31. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? Big picnic at our house for a bunch of animal people rescue people. People came from 2 countries and 6 states.

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Unsweetened iced tea, pulled pork, fried okra, rare filet mignon

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?

    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?

    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?
    Killary’s prison cell or grave

    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    Beautiful body/bad face

    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?
    a little bit cold because I am always HOT

    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    Loose the sense of taste

    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?

    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?
    Undressed. Nope, under dressed and comfortable. Old enough to not care what others think of my sartorial splendor

  32. Al, as refreshing as it would be to make only those two items my ensemble, I might add a top hat for flair especially at the park.
    Just Kidding, trousers, shirt and a Morning coat for Spring are also required
    I have two walking sticks, one is also a sword and the other houses a flask, so I am never underdressed

  33. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?

    “Favorite” not quite the correct word. Most somber, or, perhaps most remembered would be from my USMC days (1967-73). Two happenings come to mind. One, Ghost Taps. The playing of Taps followed by a second playing of Taps in the distance. Always makes my eyes water. Second, a low altitude Missing Man flyover by either A-4 Skyhawks or F-4J Phantoms. Awesome and sad, both.

  34. • What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    Sad but true, I can’t recall anything specific.

    • You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Hot dogs, deviled eggs, strawberry lemonade

    • What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    Star Wars. Summer of 1973-Went with my two BFFs and sat on the hood of a wood paneled station wagon.

    • If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    BFH and MJA. It’d be a hoot.

    • What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?
    I’ve been fortunate to have seen a lot of this beautiful country but I haven’t seen the Grand Canyon yet.

    • Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    Yeesh what a question. Um, can we split the difference with a sense of humor and above average elsewhere?

    • You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?
    A little bit cold. I’m not cut out for temps over 70.

    • Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    Hmm, lose sense of taste but never gain weight. As long as my sense of smell is enhanced.

    • Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?

    • Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?
    Very overdressed.

  35. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? Tri-tip, corn on the cob, burgers, a good beer.

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? I can’t remember back that far.

    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? Bayouwulf (we’d talk dogs), Moe Tom (we’d talk Ireland), BFH (we’d talk everything). But wouldn’t it be great to have a big get-together with everyone?

    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? The Vietnam Wall.

    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? Beautiful soul.

    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? Cold, definitely do not like heat.

    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? I can’t afford to gain any more weight, but it would be awful not to taste anything.

    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? When

    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? Overdressed.

  36. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? Dressing my children up in Red, White & Blue when they were younger and watching them salute everyone they saw in a uniform at the parade. The WWII vets were in tears.
    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? Pulled Pork, Bratwurst, Summer Slaw and some cold IPA.
    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? Sadly, I’ve never been 🙁
    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? Diogenes because I enjoy beauty and brains.
    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? Mt. Rushmore
    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? Which one has more money?
    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? Cold. Yo can always put something on but you can only take so much off.
    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? Got to taste the food!
    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? Definitely when.
    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? Overdressed, but I’m a guy. Blazer and slacks, add tie dressed up, remove tie and jacket, casual.

  37. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    Don’t really have a favorite.

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Blackened chicken with grilled veggies, burgers and potato salad with unsweetened iced tea.

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    I’ve never seen a movie at a drive in, but have been to a flea market that used to be a drive-in, does that count?

    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    If BFH doesn’t count, then MJA. Or Bad Brad. Or illustr8r. God this is hard.

    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? Arlington.

    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? Neither – Person with a caring, considerate, responsible, self-respecting disposition.

    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? Lil bit cold.

    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? My sense of taste is already affected from drinking bleach at age three. I don’t want to lose any more.

    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? When. Want no part of the potential horror of knowing how.

    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? Over. Easier to excuse or tweak.

  38. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? About 8 years ago we dedicated a memorial wall in our Veteran’s Park and just as the Mayor got up to give his speech he was upstaged by a huge Bald Eagle low circling overhead. It was fantastic.

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? BBQ Ribs, Cole Slaw, Watermelon…and of course cold beer!

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? That was back in the 60’s, I was a teenager, we didn’t go to drive-in’s to watch movies!!

    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? My old pal Moe Tom!

    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? Mt. Rushmore

    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? A great cook!!!

    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? Hot why else would I buy a house in YUMA, AZ!

    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? I love food I’ll take the weight any day….Oh, I already did.

    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? Who says I’m gonna die?

    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? Overdressed, I could always get nekkid if I hafta!

  39. 1. Favorite memory: The last Memorial Day I had with my dad.
    2. 3 foods/1 drink: Macaroni salad, deviled eggs, cherry pie and Southern Syrup (aka sweet tea).
    3. There were no drive-ins in our area
    4. Who would I like a drink with? Probably Viet Vet. I love his humor. If he’s unavailable, then MJA, her snark is amazing.
    5. The monument I want to see is Pearl Harbor.
    6. Who do I marry, beautiful face or beautiful body? I got lucky and married a very good looking man who is smart, has a beautiful heart and one helluva sense of humor.
    7. Cold or Hot?: After 2 years of hot flashes and currently sweating through a 94° day, I’d like a little cold please.
    8. I’ll lose the sense of taste and not gain weight. I just found the perfect jeans, I want to wear them awhile.
    9. Would I like to know when or how I die? Neither. I like surprises.
    10. Overdressed or underdressed? Over. That way, I’m prepared for question 9.

  40. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? Exactly 30 years ago – it was cold and rainy that weekend. No one showed up at my boyfriend’s (now husband) family’s cottage to go out on the lake. We spent the weekend alone – glorious!

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? Steak, corn on the cob, cucumber salad and Guinness Stout.

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? I think it was in the 70’s – Myra Breckinridge – maybe – LOL!

    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? Guinness Stout.

    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? Viet Nam Memorial

    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? Not so bad face/not so bad body . . . then! LOL!

    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? Little bit cold.

    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? Sense of taste.

    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? How.

    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? Overdressed.

  41. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? Memorial service at the big military cemetery in San Diego when I was in the Navy

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? What I’m having today: Hamburgers, potato salad, baked beans and beer.

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? SHAFT! The original – and someone was shot in front of the concession stand. they didn’t stop the movie.

    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? Either MJA or BadBrad

    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? The Wall.

    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? I’m on wife number two (first Mrs M died) and they both were beautiful face and great bodies – to me. I’m stickin’ with that.

    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? I’m never too cold .. . always too hot.

    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? I need the taste of food, so would have to be choice #2

    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? Only God knows the answers to those, and he’s keeping it close to his chest (bosom?)

    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? Overdressed. I’d rather stand out for looking good than stand out for looking like a slob.

  42. I drank through the shock…So here We go..

    What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    1979 Fishing trip on Lake Shelbyville…It never quit raining , Couldn’t take the boat out, but found a hundred dollars worth of fishing lures on the exposed banks (low lake until the rain)

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Steak, Bacon, and Yuengling Light
    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    Rambo/First Blood
    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    Poor Lazlo…even though I’m an Ascot kind of Guy
    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?
    What Uncle Al said
    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?
    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    I drink a case of Beer everyday…Food is thinning compared to Beer.
    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?
    Once again…I drink a case of Beer everyday…I know how and when!!!!!
    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?
    T-shirt and shorts…even at Funerals…Snowstorms..Public uprisings and Forest Fires….

  43. Sooo late to the party. But here goes.

    What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? What I’ve done the past 3 including today – delivering food and warm thoughts to the men’s and women’s PTSD wards at the VA. So touching to thank and support those going through a very difficult journey, and to share the experience with friends.
    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? No clear favorites, but a good burger with fixins, good sausage, RC Cola would be fine.
    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? Too long ago
    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? Bad Brad
    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? Mt. Rushmore.
    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? All about the face. Physically anyhow, that’s just a starting point
    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? Hot
    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? Lose the taste buds.
    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? No
    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? Overdressed.

  44. 1. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? Witnessing the changing of the honor guard at Arlington.

    2. You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? Hmm, picnics and barbecues aren’t quite the same. If it’s a picnic, homemade fried chicken, and if it’s a barbecue, brisket. And corn on the cob, grilled vegetables, and real lemonade.

    3. What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? Double feature: Cat Woman and The Thing.

    4. If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? Just one drink? Who wrote this question?

    5. What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? Mount Rushmore.

    6. Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? Honest answer is beautiful face/body

    7. You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? Cold

    8. Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? Have to taste the food

    9. Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? When

    10.Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? I’m usually underdressed but I’d rather be overdressed for occasions.

  45. 1. favorite memorial day weekend memory
    Just had it about three hours ago. My sisters and I sat around Dad’s grave and reminised about growing up with him as our daddy.

    2. 3 food items and one type of beverage
    Steak, potato salad, strawberry short cake, and lemonade to drink.

    3. last drive-in movie
    A showing of all three original Planet of the Apes movies.

    4. a drink with a reader
    Dadof4. Then about 200+ second choices!

    5. national monument
    I already saw the Lincoln Monument, but would like to see the Vietnam and WWII memorials.

    6. Who do you marry
    Sorry, the only thing that matters to me is Beautiful Soul.

    7. a little bit cold, or a little bit hot
    A little bit cold. Can always bundle up.

    8. lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food
    Neither, but in order to play fair, I’d say lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight.

    9. when/how you’re going to die
    Neither. I don’t want to change what is going to happen, so why would I want to know?

    10. overdressed or very underdressed
    I’ve been both, but I’d rather be underdressed – I like comfort over style!

  46. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    Being 6 yrs old and listening to my Uncle’s Dixieland Jazz band playing at the annual picnic in New Orleans.

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Deviled eggs, beer and deviled eggs. Deviled eggs

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    Fatal Attraction. On a first date.

    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    BFH, presuming he reads his own shit.

    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? Seen em all, what kinda patriot are you?

    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    Republican with a gun.

    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?

    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    You’ve obvioulsy never been to a 4-star Michelin restaurant in Northern Spain.

    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?


    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?
    There is no such thing as overdressing. Unless you are common.

  47. 1-What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? – some barbecue somewhere.

    2- You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? – ribs, wings, caesar salad (no anchovies)- hard limeade

    3-What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? – WWZ

    4- If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? – Jimmy Two Times

    5-What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? – The iOTWreport National Archives

    6- Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? Marry is the key word…

    7- You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? cold

    8- Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? lose sense of taste

    9- Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? how

    10- Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? over

  48. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? – Memorial Day is not for celebration, it’s for remembrance. last year we took our granddaughters to volunteer to put flags on the graves at the Cheltenham Veterans Cemetery. humbling experience

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? – picnic: fried chicken, potato salad, homemade ice cream w/ homemade lemonade. – barbeque: baby-backs, corn-on-the-cob, macaroni salad w/ a good beer (none of that light, or fruit crap)

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? – Sinbad & the Eye of the Tiger … really!

    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? – someone w/ a taste for a fine single-malt

    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? – the freakin’ Border Wall!!!

    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? – you can only fool her w/ the bag-over-the-head trick for so long … Beautiful face

    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? cold

    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? lose the taste, but I’d like to lose some weight first … gimme a few weeks …

    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? – No

    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? which occasions? … overdressed for my funeral, underdressed for bed … & most anything else

  49. Spent the afternoon with a WW II veteran.
    It was good for my soul and my mental health.

    What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?
    Family reunion when I was 10 years old… many relatives, they’re all gone now.

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Cajun Shepard’s Pie, Shrimp and pecan Pie, Yuengling Black and Tan Beer

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? 1968..Can’t remember, I was with the one I loved. I was distracted.

    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    DOC, and any other FMF Corpsman, Top Shelf, they would never have to buy.

    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? I would like to see all Confederate Monuments returned to their original place to Honor proud, loyal Americans who stood for what they believed.

    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    The face and body fade quickly the Heart lasts forever.

    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? I live in the Midwest … both

    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? Uhh, yeah, sure.

    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? Knowing you will die is enough, having cheated death more than a few times, I don’t concern myself about when or how. Enjoy life now.

    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? I’m always in blue jeans, t-shirt or buttoned shirt.
    I was dressed that way (buttoned shirt) when I met Pres. George Bush at a state campaign meeting, he made a comment I was the only one that looked comfortable, (everyone else had suits and nice dresses). I told him it’s the difference between a work horse and a show horse, sir. He slapped me on the back and said, “Good for you.”

  50. What’s been your favorite Memorial Day weekend memory?
    In all my old years, Memorial Day was never celebrated but, with my WWII Marine dad, a day of remembrance.

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?
    Hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, beer.

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?
    Good grief! Already suffering from CRS disease and you want me to remember a movie 35 years ago?

    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?
    Too many old friends on here to pick one. All!

    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?
    Grand Canyon

    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?
    Hahaha! Lucked out with a guy with a beautiful face, great body, super intelligent mind and great sense of humor. 38 years and counting. 🙂

    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?
    A little cold. You can always add clothes but can take off only so much.

    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?
    Don’t ever want to lose the awesome taste of food.

    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?

    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?
    Definitely overdressed. As a Southern girl, you never show up to an event underdressed!

  51. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory?

    ***Helping my Dad put flags on the veterans graves as soon as I was able to walk.

    You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose?

    ***burnt ends from Joe’s in KC, bison nuts, and breaded/fried okra. Iced tea to drink.

    What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen?

    *** can’t remember.

    If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick?

    ***Willygoatsgruff as he lives nearby. But, i’d like to meet bubba’s brother and unruly refugee to say Thank you in person. I’d liked to have met for drinks Greeting From Yonkers. Just love her initials…GFY

    What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil?

    *** the Arizona Memorial

    Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face?

    *** beautiful face

    You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose?

    *** cold

    Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food?

    *** lose taste

    Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die?

    ***Neither. I’ve looked it in the eye. Surprise me

    Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed?

    ***Underdressed. If jeans/slacks with a collared shirt isn’t good enough…..fuck ’em

  52. 1. What’s been your favorite memorial day weekend memory? Listening to old war stories and spending time with grandkids.
    2. You can only have 3 food items and one type of beverage at your picnic or barbecue. What do you choose? Brisket, Baked beans and Potato Salad, Dr. Pepper
    3. What’s the last drive-in movie you’ve ever seen? I can’t remember, the funniest one though was Porkies.
    4. If you could have a drink with a reader, who would you pick? BFH
    5. What national monument would you most want to see before you shed this mortal coil? Mount Rushmore
    6. Who do you marry– Beautiful face/bad body or Beautiful body/bad face? I’ve been married a long time, neither of us have the same body or face we had all those years ago.
    7. You’ll always be just a little bit cold, or a little bit hot, which do you choose? Little bit hot
    8. Would you rather lose the sense of taste, but never gain weight, or always gain weight from just a little food? gain weight with a little food
    9. Would you rather know when you’re going to die, or how you’re going to die? Neither, I just want to die in my sleep, don’t care when. lol
    10. Would you rather be very overdressed for occasions, or very underdressed? Underdressed


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