Guy Climbs Balconies and Saves Dangling Toddler – IOTW Report

Guy Climbs Balconies and Saves Dangling Toddler

He was offered French citizenship by Macron. He’s a “migrant.”

18 Comments on Guy Climbs Balconies and Saves Dangling Toddler

  1. I sure to admire his “let’s get this done” attitude and actions!

    If you’re going to make an exception for anybody, he sure looks like a good candidate for pardoning his illegal alien status. I’m just not quite ready yet to agree to any exceptions.

  2. I’m not sure it wasn’t a stunt. Why didn’t the person who appears to be holding the infant in place while waiting for the hero to climb, not just pull the child to safety? Am I seeing it wrong?

  3. I agree. It’s a stunt. As Michael L says why didn’t the guy “holding” the baby pull it in. Bullshit! Yeah give him a medal and give all illegal immigrants legal status because of this stunt.

  4. @ Michael – thought the SAME exact thing?

    Not passing the smell test is it?

    Maybe some qanon vid expert will reveal what the person ‘holding’ that child was exactly doing. Can’t tell myself.

    Paging Michael Jackson…

  5. Reminds me of the stunt Jimmy pulled in the series “Better Call Saul.”
    He paid a guy to pretend to fall from sign then he saved the guy and filmed it. Great series on Netflix.

  6. I gave it a second look.

    Two things:

    The child is hanging by itself THEN the person, agreed bound by the vertical partition, grabs it few seconds later.

    Meanwhile Spider-so-and-so crawls up a surface of modern building materials iow nothing to really grip on with hand or foot.

    I cannot tell if the terrace material is a very tight steel mesh or other, it’s like he’s climbing a chain linked fence at best?

    Also where he sticks his hands in to gain grip and pushes off on the upright, mesh? The surface does not appear to bend?

    Batman now riddle me this?


    Maybe he really did scale that building’s terraces….

  7. Cut the usual “french cowardness” crap or find new material.

    That climbing clown is an illegal “refugee”, who flown from his country to avoid draft, which was reinstated by his government.
    His elder brother who lives illegaly in France for 23 years, never applied for nationality and barely understands french.
    But wait! there’s more : the climbing dude was offered, nationality, a job and to join the Paris fire department.
    Like some of my friends, I don’t buy that “hero” lemon. It’s a staged act to justify the flooding of illegal immigrants, by the government.

  8. How did a child of, maybe 3-4?, get there to begin with??

    Crawled up ‘like a spider’ on the fencing material on the terrace side, then got over, only not to fall??

    Hanging by it’s own weight and strength?

    Seconds later, while we watch Peter Parker climb up, then it cuts to the neighbor grasping the child.

    The neighbor and his wife, came calm out of nowhere, were not in the vid when the child was hanging in the middle of the vertical materials at first btw.

    The neighbor could have jumped over the divider as well as it was low enough to do that.

    In the age of vid everywhere and the amount of people chanting, the graininess of the vid??? Where are more vids?

    IF this is fake, it is DAM well done…by the French State editors.


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