A Burning Earth! – IOTW Report

A Burning Earth!

The following is an excerpt from an Abstract for a research journal article about “gridded land surface air temperature (LSAT) datasets using station measurements to assess the status and impact of climate change”. The IPCC is stating that the data they used for their Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) are consistent from all datasets. Of course, they use this “fact” to bolster their claim that the estimated global temperature is rising.

Land surface air temperature data are considerably different among BEST‐LAND, CRU‐TEM4v, NASA‐GISS, and NOAA‐NCEI

Several groups routinely produce gridded land surface air temperature (LSAT) datasets using station measurements to assess the status and impact of climate change. The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) suggests that estimated global and hemispheric mean LSAT trends of different datasets are consistent. However, less attention has been paid to the inter‐comparison at local/regional scales, which is important for local/regional studies. In this study we comprehensively compare four datasets at different spatial and temporal scales, including BEST‐LAND, CRU‐TEM4v, NASA‐GISS, and NOAA‐NCEI. The mean LSAT anomalies are remarkably different because of the data coverage differences, with the magnitude nearly 0.4°C for the global and northern hemisphere and 0.6°C for the southern hemisphere. This study additionally finds that on the regional scale, northern high latitudes, southern mid‐to‐high latitudes, and the equator show the largest differences nearly 0.8°C. These differences cause notable differences for the trend calculation at regional scales. At the local scale, four datasets show significant variations over South America, Africa, the maritime continent, central Australia, and Antarctica, which leads to remarkable differences in the local trend analysis.

Read the rest of the Abstract here.

We know that the IPCC has been ‘cooking’ their data for some time, but this is now a published journal article, in effect, calling them on their deceit.

6 Comments on A Burning Earth!

  1. Temps from land stations? Really?
    The stations on the tarmac at airports?
    In large parking lots? Stations against south facing brick walls? And stations next to window air conditioners exhaust?


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