Pope Sounds Like A Dopey Pony-Tailed Professor – IOTW Report

Pope Sounds Like A Dopey Pony-Tailed Professor

In the passage below he equates Christian proselytizing with today’s Islamic violence, calling it the “same idea of conquest,” but conveniently leaving out the violence part, the violence that Islam utilizes TODAY.

The guy is a jerk. 

In the next passage he calls for government control of the economy.

He also implies that terrorists wouldn’t exist if you simply install migrants into a higher economic strata by having the state share the wealth.

ht/ js

30 Comments on Pope Sounds Like A Dopey Pony-Tailed Professor

  1. Sorta related….I posted my objection to Trump hosting muslims at the WH for ramadan on the WH website! Said they’re not compatible with our values.

  2. Anonymous- I agree with you. But this will be his second opportunity to hang the terrorism yoke around their necks like he did in his ramadan opening day speech. So there’s good and bad in this.

  3. This Bergoglio fraud is not Pope, he is Anti-Pope and he is a wicked and evil Liberation Theologian who is hell bent on destroying The Church. I said it back in 2013 when this tragedy commenced with his election and I not only stand by what I said back then, I feel even more strongly today.

    He cannot be Pope, Marxist Liberation Theology heresy, to which he is totally devoted, is inconsistent with his even being Catholic

  4. I don’t understand Vatican politics. At all. You had a sitting Pope that had only served a brief time, then all of a sudden he’s sent out to pasture and this dude is put in his place. During my lifetime seating of a Pope always followed the death of his predecessor.

    Fill me in.

  5. Let me start by saying I am a Catholic.

    Davy, MJA and Uncle Al, there is no way in Church law (also known as Canon Law) to remove a Pope. It was tried before and resulted in the Great Western Schism.

    JDHasty is correct, Jorge Bergoglio is not a liegitimate Pope. He clearly does not believe some of the most critical teachings of the Church and continuously spouts heresy, makes questionable statements and certainly appears to want to destroy the Church. From what I can see, I do not think he even believes in God.

  6. @Anonymous – I typed “Impeach 266” with my tongue firmly in cheek. I’m well aware that the last Pope who was replace before his death was some 600 years ago, and even for an institution as slow-changing as the Catholic Church a lot has in fact changed since then.

    I have always been curious about the real reason Benedict XVI stepped aside.

  7. Uh, yeah. Have the government control the economy. Because communism worked so well in the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela. Seems to me those countries also killed citizens for believing in God.

  8. Francis is not a pope, he is an anti-pope. He is either the False prophet who acts with the anti-Christ to bring about a one-world religion as mentioned in the book of Revelations, or he is the forshadowing of the False prophet just as Obama was a forshawdowing of the anti-Christ himself.

    Either way, Francis prays to Satan, not God.

  9. @OneLastTime June 4, 2018 at 2:28 pm

    > Wealth doesn’t “fall into the hands”, it has to be earned, at least in the “overly Western” world.

    That’s what She said!

  10. Although my familiarity with the Papacy is limited to specific historical times, it seems to me that whenever Popes made economics or societal issues the primary focus of their reign, either disaster or hilarity, or hilarious disaster ensued. This seems particularly true post-reformation when the Catholic stranglehold on Christians was greatly lessened due largely to Papal intrigues.

    With his “the state as a fulcrum” opinion, it is clear that Francis does not understand economic history, or Islamic history for that matter. Hopefully, he understands the Catholic religion and the Bible, and if so he should just focus on that.

  11. Catholics should just stop going to mass, or stop any financial contribution until there is a new pope.
    If that was a divine pick, a major mistake was made, The college of Cardinals just runs a popularity contest.

  12. He is and has been for at least 30 years a Stalinist Communist. I had 2 friends from Venezuela 20 years ago who told me they were very un happy with their Church when the SJ ArchBishop not only went to Cuba and praised their Communist leader – but – the really maddening thing was this Jesuit went to Venezuela and praised their communist dictator Hugo Chavez. A man they told me was even a worse butcher than Castro.

    I have never been to Venezuela so I can not compare. Castro made great cigars! OK I admit I like to smoke, so what!

  13. Interesting that the pope chose to use the word “conquest” in relation to Islam and spreading the gospel.

    Rev 6:1-2

    6 Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Come.” 2 I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.

    Who wears white all the time? Who has a white jet? Who has a white “Popemobile”? Who went from the beginning of the RCC to conguer by spreading the gospel?

    Rev 6:7-8
    When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” 8 I looked, and behold, an ashen(green; Gk:chloros) horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.

    The pope speaks about Islam and its conquest of the world. The color of Islam is green. The description of the fourth horse of the Apocalypse fits Islam, its spread and conquest.

    Bible prophecy is so accurate obvious when the fulfillment occurs.


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