How Are We Doing On Identifying This Bint Who Spit on Police Officer? – IOTW Report

How Are We Doing On Identifying This Bint Who Spit on Police Officer?

$1000 reward still being offered.

ht/ moe tom

26 Comments on How Are We Doing On Identifying This Bint Who Spit on Police Officer?

  1. @grool. From what I have read it’s a felony to spit on a police officer and punishable with up to five years in jail. If convicted, she won’t be voting for anyone anymore.
    Heh, heh.

  2. grool,
    You’re probably right, if it ever even gets that far. Some defense lawyer will argue first time offense, bad childhood, mental health, or whatever other banal reason they can come up with, and it will be dropped to a misdemeanor. She will probably get probation or community service or something equally ridiculous, that she’ll think is funny.

  3. An off-duty police officer didn’t have enough sense to arrest her on the spot?

    Instead he waits and then whines for the public to bail his dumb butt out?

    1000 bucks? Pfft! No thanks. I hope she gets away with it now.

  4. why arrest her so some bleeding heart liberal judge can throw the case out once it gets to court.

    he can find out who she is and meter out his own justice when the time is right.
    with the high cost of court fees, wait and charge her with multiple traffic violations for the rest of her days.

    win win for the cop, he gets revenge and it helps fulfill his monthly quota he doesn’t have.

  5. All it takes is a little research and time; ID her and wait a couple of years. Hours of darkness, ski mask, pick handle, residence, bushes, knees; some assembly required.

    No paper trail, Bill.

  6. She’s in Chicago, she’s angry because of the so called ill treatment of blacks. Arrest her and throw her in a communal cell with nothing but black female hoodrats for about six to a year. Maybe that would be the best re-education camp is she survives it.

    Sometimes you have to be discrete!

    50 years ago I flew in from Nam to an AF base in Riverside.
    On my way to the bus a bearded beat nick spit on me. I memorized his face and body.
    When I got to my wife’s apt. Took off my uni. Emptied my wallet of all id except license. Put on some old college clothes: Sweatshirt, jeans and tennis.
    Got in my car and drove out to Riverside. Went in to every dive I saw till I found the beat nick.
    Then went back out. Came in another way and very nonchalantly walked behind him. Then I blasted him in the kidneys! And then casually left. I hope the son of a whore spent the next month in hospital pissing blood. Did not stick around to see how bad I hurt the bastard; for what should be obvious.

    I have shot folk in the back in Nam. His was my only experience of bushwhacking and American (I think he was. He swore at me in American.). I think he paid for attacking me; I only know I did as much damage as I felt safe in doing.

  8. Some ‘ many years ago ,in the sixties,I picked up a young back child in my arms. She had fallen down the subway stairs and sprained her ankle A fucking black bastard tried to say I was molesting the
    child. This shit will never end until they, themselves, will tell the fucking blacks to go fuck themselves. Fooken Assholes.


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