LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER June 7, 2018 – IOTW Report

LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER June 7, 2018


LOTS to talk about TONIGHT!!!

Join @MikeNordstrom3 and @Mr_Pinko

We will read your comments/questions ON THE AIR!


* April Ryan Meltdown
* Media – Melania
* Philadelphia Eagles
* Mexico crying Tariffs
* Commuted Sentence Alice Johnson
* Obama’s Economy
* What happened to Stormy?

About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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21 Comments on LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER June 7, 2018

  1. I sent this email to President Trump:

    I think you should rescind the press passes of the Fake News agitators who ask “gotcha” questions and don’t stop trying to bully a different response because they don’t like the answers.

    There are many qualified bloggers who could take their places. You know, the bloggers who report fairly and actually have journalistic integrity in their research and investigating.

    Would you guys go for it if asked?

  2. Trumps management philosophy of the Libtard Peoples Information Bureau is just when they start calming down, poke them with a sharp stick in the form of a Tweet. The best so far is, “I think I can pardon myself”. I wonder if he laughs when he hits Tweet. The press is rendering themselves not relevant.

  3. April Ryan is a racist, she hates all whites.
    The patience that Sarah shows is unreal.
    Ryan and Acosta need to have a time out,not kicked out.
    Let them keep talking it helps us.

  4. @Claudia.
    Imagine this interaction:
    Trump: “Next question. Hey you, Pinko. Yeh you. What’s on you’re mind…?”
    Pinko: “Mista Presdent…”
    Trump: “Oh, a New Yorka! What burrow?”

  5. Claudia at this point I really don’t know.
    We all know that P.Trump will fire anyone at any time,but this is not a company, it is the deep state,they would leave him with Rosenstein.
    Anon. Above was me. About Ryan Ect.

  6. In a lot of the races this week the R’s out voted the D’s.
    Look at the total votes.
    The turn out in California for the whole state was only 21.8%.
    Where are the R’s in the state? and in other states.
    That is why I keep hammering about getting out and voting.
    We can still lose this if we leave it all up to P. Trump.
    He needs us like we need him.
    Thanks Guys.

  7. Brad, I had that happen to me in California in the 2012 election. My husband’s ballot was marked received online–mine was not. Mailed at the same time at the same post office.

  8. Merry Poppet
    It’s reached an epidemic proportion. We live in an extremely conservative county. I contacted the county registrar and they won’t consider any complaints or claims until after the first week in July. Seems they are still counting votes. As soon as I get out twitter jail I plan on contacting the Allen, and Erin Cruz campaigns. They have already had multiple complaints on their twitter feeds but there are no attempts at getting organized and complying some data. I can tell you from my perspective this stinks. Really bad.


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