Newly-elected Ga. official refuses Bible, takes oath of office on ‘Autobiography of Malcolm X’ – IOTW Report

Newly-elected Ga. official refuses Bible, takes oath of office on ‘Autobiography of Malcolm X’

I swear to Malcolm X I will uphold the constitution.

Has a bad ring to it.

Wash Exam-

One of the new council members in one of Georgia’s biggest cities picked Malcolm X over the Bible for her swearing-in.
Mariah Parker was sworn in this week to represent District 2 on the Athens-Clarke County Commission and refused to take her oath of office on the Bible, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported...
“I wanted Malcolm’s book,” she said, referring to “The Autobiography of Malcolm X,” which, despite its title, was written by Alex Haley after its subject’s assassination by members of the Nation of Islam.
“I think they saw it coming,” said Ms. Parker, who also raised her fist in a black-power salute while taking the oath.
She is a 26-year-old doctoral student at the University of Georgia, in Athens, and won her race by just 13 votes. She campaigned for “bold, progressive leadership in Athens.”
[ h/t when a stack of Bibles just won’t DO ]

27 Comments on Newly-elected Ga. official refuses Bible, takes oath of office on ‘Autobiography of Malcolm X’

  1. Oh and by the way, if you had any pride as a black person, you wouldn’t need to be wearing a ‘black pride’ T-shirt.
    Same goes for gays and their ‘pride’ t shirts.
    Who are you trying to convince?

  2. She is a 26-year-old doctoral student at the University of Georgia, in Athens…

    And don’t know shit.

    Mariah, about that hair and the black power salute… Honey, it’s TWO THOUSAND EIGHTEEN, not 1968.

  3. Another aggrieved representative of people who consistently show they cannot count unless, like a very strident black woman “activist” I remember ranting in the late ’60s – early ’70s, they truly believe one black man is more than equal to any 10 white men. And that still would leave them a little short if the balloon goes up;…

  4. Maybe it is time for reparations. How about all the heroin, crack, meth, oxy’s they want along with needles and high salt and high fat food they can stuff in. To assist with the social readjustment they also are to be given all the AK’s they want. I suspect that would take care of the problem.

  5. I was forced to read some X in a humanities class my senior year. I wont say what year because I struggle with Roman Numerals. Couldn’t put it down. If he were still alive today he’s be in an Militia. With whities.

  6. Martin Luther King Jr was the real commie – his faith was in the government/State and social justice doctrine.
    Suprisingly, Malcolm “Malcolm X” Little supposed a capitalist system – told black people to be economical competitive and knew the real enemy of blacks – progressive elites.
    Kudos Bad_Brad on your knowledge about the real Malcolm X. No doubt Mz. Wannabe Angela Davis believes the indoctrinated lies of her “professors”. What a fool.

  7. Malcolm X would have handed Kaepernick an ass kicking along with her. If clowns like those two were really interested in racial parity they would quit the fraudulent posing and get a true understanding of the issues. They are just a couple more scam artists in the leftist popularity contest.

  8. An auto biography written by somebody else?

    When the title of the book is an out right lie, I’m not too interested in what is between the covers except as an insight into the enemies mind.

  9. Malcolm X discover the truth that the Nation of Islam is a cult of Christian heretics, criminals and Islamic infiltrators way too late. He was leaving “The Nation” and possibly Islam when he was killed.


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