Princeton Discussion Group Teaches Men That Being The Breadwinner Is Bad – IOTW Report

Princeton Discussion Group Teaches Men That Being The Breadwinner Is Bad

DC: New Jersey’s Princeton University has a discussion group that encourages men to be more effeminate in an effort to escape the societal box of masculinity.

The university’s “Men’s Allied Voices for a Respectful & Inclusive Community” (MAVRIC) hosts lunch conversations twice a week in order to “unpack our own internalized ideas about what it is to be a man,” according to the group’s website. It also “look[s] for the tender spots where some emotion comes to the surface.”

The men in the group seek to free themselves from the “man-box” they live in by “asking ourselves to be tremendously vulnerable,” citing the rise of the #MeToo movement as an example of disgusting male privilege.  more here


13 Comments on Princeton Discussion Group Teaches Men That Being The Breadwinner Is Bad

  1. to all the soy boys that are in this ‘discussion group’ … this ain’t gonna help you get female ‘companionship’

    … at least not the kind you’d ever want to have a relationship with …

  2. Wasn’t Albert Einstein a professor at Princeton? I wonder what he’d think of all these sissies and Nancy boys. Guys if you want to get a quality woman don’t treat her like she’s better than you or be so damned lazy that you make her do all the work. My wife was far better at a lot of things than I was but we balanced each other out and it worked for over 30+ years. I was Charlie Brown to her Peppermint Patty, she was very athletic and a tom boy having grown up with 6 brothers and 2 sisters. I was the nerd but it worked. And I thank God that I married her.

  3. Oh for fucks sake! I am so glad I found my “toxic” man at 16, and was smart enough to know what I wanted and needed and never had to deal with this crap. 40 years married next month, God willing.

  4. I will continue on the path shown me by my father. Work hard, earn your keep, take care of those who love you. My father was more wise than ANY college asswipe living or dead. These little pricks aren’t fit to lick the shit off his boots, nor mine.

  5. So… The smaht way to “escape the societal box of masculinity” is to change genders and stay in the box. Because “going Galt” and walking away from the box is, just, MADNESS!


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