Crap Governor Trying To Name Replacement Bridge After His Crap Governor Father – IOTW Report

Crap Governor Trying To Name Replacement Bridge After His Crap Governor Father

Mario Cuomo was a horribly lackluster governor. I dare anyone to give me any examples of any important work he accomplished aside from speechifying. What is this dope’s legacy?

Seeking a fourth term he was ceremoniously ousted by small town mayor, George Pataki. That’s how the people felt about this potted plant.

Now his organ grinder son (or is he the monkey?), in an act of shameless nepotism, is trying to name the Tappan Zee replacement bridge the “Mario Cuomo Bridge.”

Is he kidding? The only way this makes sense is that millions of people would love to drive over Mario Cuomo.

Southwest Duchess-

The battle over naming rights of the new Tappan Zee Bridge came to a head on Thursday, as several members of Save Our Tappan Zee, a group dedicated to preserving the bridge’s namesake, printed out a petition that garnered nearly 110,000 signatures from local residents lambasting the name “Mario M. Cuomo Bridge.”

The petition, which has made national news, calls for the bridge to be returned to its original name, the Tappan Zee, claiming that “the bridge is our history.” It also says “it sounds cool to say, ‘I’m taking the Tappan Zee” and not cool “to say, ‘I’m taking the Cuomo.’”

In a Daily Voice poll that saw more than 20,000 votes cast, 70 percent of readers said that the bridge should not be named after Cuomo, while 22 percent said it should not be named after any one person. Just 6 percent supported the current name of the bridge.

The bill to rename the bridge for the elder Cuomo was introduced at the end of a long legislative session by a Suffolk County state senator. It came under immediate criticism by both residents and local politicians.

In the past, Cuomo has called the petition “vindictive,” “hurtful,” and “mean,” citing “ugly political times” for the reason so many have been so outspoken against the official designation of the new Tappan Zee Bridge.


ht/ zilla



10 Comments on Crap Governor Trying To Name Replacement Bridge After His Crap Governor Father

  1. Instead of renaming streets, bridges, schools etc. that have confederate origins we should target those things named after corrupt failed liberals and rename them.

  2. “Vindictive,” “hurtful,” “mean,” and “ugly”…
    These are terms that actually describe the Cuomos!

    Oh, I left out “imbecile.”

  3. Thanks BFH – hitting the ABSOLUTELY NOT option was GREAT!

    Some TZB history here (for anyone that does not know):

    Tappan – The Tappaens Indian tribe in the area.
    Zee – dutch for sea –

    Why sea you ask?

    The width of the now Haverstraw Bay is WIDE, for a river, I think the widest point.

    Early Dutch HR explorers, got right up to the bay and thought the ‘North’ River, was opening up to a ‘sea’ size they were familiar with ‘seeing’ being early exploring small ship navigators.

    Early American maps of the area, done by european military mapmakers, ID the Bay as Tappan Zee.

    BFH – monkey? Only because me and my friends called Mario “Monkey Face”…is that racist?

    Bob Grant, may he RIP, called Mario, Sshfopcheem..some Italian term. Hilarious EVERY time.

    So, now we call the bridge, The Ssshfopcheem Bridge.

    Andrew- he is The Son of Ssshfopcheem.

    I cannot stand to even hear Il Supremo speak…like a real dumb dumb.

    Just waitin’ for my troops to get out of school before the eject button is HIT.

    Then move out of state and keep the bunker up in the ADK’s…

    It’s beautiful up there…

  4. Over 70 years ago I lived in NY,NY. It was an “open secret” that Old Man Cuomo made a fortune by having his men steal tires from the plants and then selling them to Limosine Liberals at $25 a tire (A carton of cigs was $0.50, movie ticket for kid $0.05) this was big $! Yes he was “Cost Nostra” ; I am told was fluent in Sicillian – similar to but not Italian.


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