“Trump Pardoning of Black People is Coverup of His Racism” – The Left – IOTW Report

“Trump Pardoning of Black People is Coverup of His Racism” – The Left

Trump pardons a black boxer, then a black cocaine trafficking grandmother, and the left hates Trump even more.

Joy Behar said on The Spew that Trump has ulterior motives.

Jeffrey Toobin said “it’s theater” and “he still wants to fight with black people.”

Lowering black unemployment and raising black home ownership is all part of his sinister plan to damage blacks as well.



CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin bashed President Donald Trump’s recent pardons as “great theater,” saying they don’t really mean anything since the president still wants to “fight with black people.”

During an interview with CNN on Friday, Toobin discussed the method former President Barack Obama used regarding pardons compared to Trump’s strategy.

Trump recently used his presidential authority to commute the sentence of Alice Johnson — a nonviolent drug offender sentenced to life in prison — after reality TV star Kim Kardashian lobbied for clemency in Johnson’s case.

But Toobin obviously wasn’t impressed.

“There wasn’t this great theater [with Obama], there weren’t a lot of celebrities involved, there were no celebrities, but that is how you impact a lot of lives,” Toobin said.

video HERE

26 Comments on “Trump Pardoning of Black People is Coverup of His Racism” – The Left

  1. Just proof Trump can’t win (nor can any conservative) against their insanity so take Trump’s lead and punch back harder, don’t cow to their stupid demands, and treat them as the unhinged lunatics they are.

  2. If President Trump walked on water and saved a child from drowning,
    Toobin and his ilk would say “Trump can’t swim.” The contempt they have for this man is nauseating. It’s difficult for normal people to take this kind of bullshit, day in,day out.

  3. Gee Wally … fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke!
    Yeah Beave, the only thing is, it ain’t no joke. President Trump is the real deal.
    Well fuck ’em anyway Wally! you continue to do whut’s right no matter who criticizes you!

  4. Trump isn’t going to win on the social issues. He could help develop an AIDS vaccine and they still would say that he is anti-LGBT. Where Trump will win is with the economy. If he can keep chugging along, hopefully, and I mean hopefully, people will not vote against their economic self-interest in 2020. It might even be time to get nasty and hope that Kayne and Candace Owens might make some “Don’t go back to the Democrat plantation” videos.

    The Left only wants to be in control, so they will never be appeased by Trump. Not to go all uber Christian, but these people are longing to worship the Beast, so much so that they can taste it as if it were an inch from their lips. Tell me you envisioned transvestite and drag queen reading hours at the libraries before June 26, 2015 (because apparently they did).

  5. Obama’s pardoning strategy involved his calculating how he could do the most damage to America and Americans. That’s why he loved pardoning psychotic islamic terrorists.
    The lesson here is – and Trump knows it – just do what you think is right because the left is gonna call him a racist no matter what. The reason is simple: he “became” a racist not for ever being a racist, but for running to oppose Hillary.

  6. Trump could personally finance a Cancer Cure and give it away for free, and the Left would scream that he hates oncologists and wants black hospice nurses to starve.

    Deranged rabid dogs.

  7. “There wasn’t this great theater [with Obama], there weren’t a lot of celebrities involved, there were no celebrities”
    Are you fucking kidding me? Who was it who said they they wanted to be like Beyonce? Who was it who kept going to Hollywood or Vegas for fundraisers, to rub shoulders with these know-nothing celebrities, having them at the WH, etc. Useless pieces of empty-headed fools, every single one of them.

    Do these leftists all have collective amnesia?

  8. The POTUS is running circles around these asshats.

    Hussein can, and did, pardon all the drug dealers he wanted…Right?


  9. Loretta in Indiana, don’t forget the Obamacare Show, where he handed out white lab coats to his doctor props. And the freaking Styrofoam Greek temple before he was even elected.

  10. Further proof that leftists all are suffering from TDS and have done nothing to treat the symptoms. I have never in my life seen such disrespect and vile hatred of the President of the United States. But then the left has lost all patriotism too.

  11. Who gives a fuck what the pundits say? The people who vote are benefiting from a significantly improved economy. Let the talking heads whine. People getting a bigger paycheck won’t listen.


    Imagine ANY of the other republican candidates beating Trump, and we had the misfortune of them achieving high office. How fast would they have FOLDED under 1/100th of the pressure that has been applied to President Trump?!

    Hell, every one of them has preemptively failed in various ways already, and they haven’t faced one iota of pressure. Romney, Rubio, Yeb!, McCain…. little gurls where a capable alpha male was required.
    Let alone how WRONG they are on the most pressing issues we face.

  13. Loretta beat me to it.: “There wasn’t this great theater [with Obama], there weren’t a lot of celebrities involved, there were no celebrities.”

    I about laughed myself sick at that. He gave unearned MEDALS to celebrities just because they were his fans. Do they think we don’t remember or don’t have access to the many, many, many pictures and stories and slobbering tongue-baths they gave 0bama and his celebrity sycophants?

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