Even CNN Couldn’t Find an Angle To Bash Trump With This Story – IOTW Report

Even CNN Couldn’t Find an Angle To Bash Trump With This Story

Trump signs the Star Act, which aids children with cancer. If I’m paying taxes, this is where I want my taxes to go, not to some drunk on a stoop with intelligence far lower than this beautiful young lady.

As a commenter on Youtube said, “Imagine what we could accomplish if the idiots in congress would turn their attention away from their idiotic “Russia Collusion” story.”

Trump, with virtually no tail wind, is a remarkable president. Morons like Ben Shapiro and Co. will go down in history as impediments to potential greatness. I blame the left less because I never thought of them as particularly thoughtful or smart, just doll-eyed evil creatures angling for ways to preserve power irrespective of what is good for its citizenry in the long term.

7 Comments on Even CNN Couldn’t Find an Angle To Bash Trump With This Story

  1. Even if your tax dollars DO go to that hopeless “drunk on a stoop” even that is still infinitely preferable than any of that money going to illegal aliens or their anchor babies or to undeserving refugees that declared a phony asylum claim just so they could get welfare.

  2. President Trump, taking actions like this is making this a great presidency. He is getting all this done with very few supporters in government. Trump knows he has us, The Deplorable’s, and there is more of us everyday.

  3. Uh, judgeroy, in case you haven’t noticed there is a new sheriff in town poor old Biden isn’t there anymore to conduct his perversions on children thank God.


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