Trump G-7 Closing Remarks: “We’re The Piggy Bank That Everybody’s Robbing” – IOTW Report

Trump G-7 Closing Remarks: “We’re The Piggy Bank That Everybody’s Robbing”


“We had productive discussion on having fair and reciprocal” trade and market access.

“We’re linked in the great effort to create a more just and prosperous world. And from the standpoint of trade and creating more prosperous countries, I think they are starting to be committed to more fair trade. We as a nation lost $870 billion on trade…I blame our leaders and I congratulate leaders of other countries for taking advantage of our leaders.”

“If they retaliate they’re making a tremendous mistake because you see we have a tremendous trade imbalance…the numbers are so much against them, we win that war 1000 times out of a 1000.”

“We’re negotiating very hard, tariffs and barriers…the European Union is brutal to the United States….the gig is up…there’s nothing they can say.”

“We’re like the piggy bank that everybody’s robbing.”

“I would say the level of relationship is a ten – Angela, Emmanuel and Justin – we have a very good relationship. I won’t blame these people, unless they don’t smarten up and make the trades fair.”


Merkel challenged Trump’s “America First” trade agenda and dismissal of climate change as an issue.

Trump left before the climate change portion of the summit. (lol)

He also showed up late for something called a “gender focused breakfast.”

ht/ Michelle’s Big Beaver



14 Comments on Trump G-7 Closing Remarks: “We’re The Piggy Bank That Everybody’s Robbing”

  1. It’s a marvel to watch POTUS Trump as he — it’s hard to articulate — he just absorbs the blows from those who wish to damage him and the U.S., and he turns all that bad ju ju back on them in pure, unarguable righteousness. In a word, his intuitive intellect, his instincts about people and problem solving, is zen. It’s a weak analogy, but it’s like when someone insists the seat you’re occupying is theirs, hoping to get a better seat — then the usher asks to see the ticket and the cheat skulks off in a huff as we scorn and pity them.

    It is contemptible that our so-called “allies” are not only content to cheat us — after all this country has given in blood and treasure to save their butts — but they actually work openly to disrespect our president in order to continue their cheating.

    Until there is genuine contrition and an about face on their parts, I am personally boycotting every product from those countries. There is not a single thing I need to survive originating in their countries. #WalkAway (from cheats).

  2. BB — Trudeau Fancy Sox just made the biggest mistake of his life with Trump. POTUS graciously gave him the opportunity to save face and the sap misread the situation entirely. Woe unto Mr. Brown Shoes. Woe. Woe. Woe.

  3. AA, I know we will agree on this, but I’ll ask the question anyway, during your professional career who would you rather negotiate with, Putin, or Trudeau?

  4. I think Trudeau’s problem is his lack of maturity and need to be liked — it’s an easy answer, it would be easy to give him everything he needs without giving him anything of substance. While Putin fancies himself some sort of latter day Mongol warrior, he suffers the same ego problem. The worse person to face is a nondescript accountant type who listens and thinks instead of feels and talks.

    I watch and listen to POTUS and it’s so fun to follow along as he sets the table. He does it ALL the time. The reason he’s so successful at it is because he is sincere. You can’t fake sincerity.

  5. AA
    My take, and I can only put this bluntly, Trudeau’s is a Pussy. He lacks confidence in himself and is frightened easily by an authority figure. Hence the back stabbing reversal on Trump after the meeting. He’s the very definition of a soy boy.
    Putin is an egotist, but very self confident. If he’s going to tell you to fuck off he’ll do it to your face. Also if he shakes your hand on a deal he’ll stick to it because he has integrity. IE, he has to much pride to back up on a deal he agreed to. Considering everyone at that damn meeting, save the Italians, I’d rather deal with Putin. I’ve negotiated with spineless pussies in the past. It’s a dangerous deal.


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