McCain Says Majority of Americans Are Pro-Globalization – IOTW Report

McCain Says Majority of Americans Are Pro-Globalization

He undermines the president and tells our allies to stick to their guns on screwing over America with unfair trade practices.

32 Comments on McCain Says Majority of Americans Are Pro-Globalization

  1. And once again it’ a short hop from Globalist to Communist. Which figures with this ass hole. Sounds like he’s having a hard time dealing with Gods version of term limits. This is an evil man. I personally watched Globalism transform the Silicon Valley from Conservative to Communist. I can get specific if you want.

  2. at this point I’m seriously thinking either this turd is circling the bowl so readily that someone (Cindy?) is twattering in his name, or this dipwad ain’t so sick as he claims & is just doing this shit for sympathy-excuses for being such a traitor

    either way, he’s still a Quisling … always was
    what a total sack of shit

  3. John McCain is a bold face LAIR and CHEAT.
    Ask his first wife! Ask his constituents. Ask Sarah.

    He is the “evil politician, the evil senator” character in every Hollywood movie ever made. He’s lies just ask the songbird.

  4. You’re in our rearview mirror McCain, nothing you say now will change the view of you we’ve formed over all your years of treachery.
    Your decomposition is well advanced and you smell horrible so just crawl in the hole and stop breathing.

  5. “Globalism” – the new “World Dominion.”

    The dream of Cyrus, Alexander, Caesar, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Napoleon, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Soros, and the Brussels Crowd.

    Fuck em. I’m not going to (willingly) by your slave.
    Fuck McCain, too.
    He doesn’t know the majority of Americans. In fact, he doesn’t know ANY Americans: Only suck-ass globaloney-ists like himself.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Since all people, living and dead, in the entire world, have the yearning for freedom in their hearts, they are all Americans. The dead ones might be Democrats. But that’s Ok. We’re all Americans.

  7. I know CEO’s of 500 mil a year companies that don’t know what globalization is. But they defend it like no other. Right up to the time that their cooperate head quarters gets moved to China, and they have lost their jobs. I’ve watched it happen several times in the Silicon Valley.

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