One Thing’s Different From the Other – IOTW Report

One Thing’s Different From the Other

19 Comments on One Thing’s Different From the Other

  1. It’s like the MSM is letting loose with all of the headline and stories they wrote over the last 8 years but sat on because they did not want to damage their dear leader.

    It’s sickening. I want to punch a CNN talking head in the face- especially the one that looks like George Costanza.

  2. And from the Nevertrump peanut gallery, Sweaty Thumb is sour-graping that if, if, if, if, if, if Obama had done what Trump just did, we would be as nasty as the Dems. I can’t stand that sanctimonious prick. He’s like Comey with a bullfrog pouch.

  3. Yea but Obama wasn’t busy insulting our best allies while he was trying to normalize relations with Cuba. And Trumps had 4 bankruptcies and Ivanka made 82 million dollars last year. Trump never paid a single contractor that ever worked for him, let’s face it he’s to stupid to pull it off. The best thing that could happen right now is to re assemble Obama’s team and let them take over.

    I learned all this from watching CNN for 5 minutes early this morning. The left are not salvageable. They were foaming at the mouth by the way.

  4. Thirdtwin

    I believe I heard that on MSNBC. You know Trumps got them shook when MSNBC and CNN are not on the same page of their book of bull shit. The media is our biggest enemy. Something needs to be done about it.

  5. Very early in his presidency Obama backed José Manuel Zelaya as President of Honduras.
    Zelaya had been legally ousted, and the Honduras Supreme Court agreed.
    But Zelaya was a wannabe dictator, and Obama sicced the entire State Department on Honduras, withheld funds, everything he could to install the Leftist dictator into the presidency.
    Obama backed the Mullahs in Iran.
    Obama backed the Castros in Cuba.
    Obama backed Muslim Brotherhood dictator wannabe Mohamed Morsi in Egypt.
    Obama hated freedom.
    Obama truly LOVED dictators.
    (Along with Soros.)

  6. Obama would have been impeached for Kim summit? By what f–king Senate, you pompous, giggling ass who claims to be a political operator? I thought your big selling point was your political savvy. No wonder you must eke out an existence chasing MSM crumbs.

  7. Just because it never happened before dosen’t mean it’s historic!
    I learned that on Mourning Joe this morning.
    Phuck the MSM! MAGA!

    But Obama going to Cuba was historic?

  8. Obama the insufferable gasbag has always seen himself as the coolest guy in any crowd.
    Every visit with the worlds dictators he was being played, they knew the shallow jackass just needed his ego stroked and he gave up anything they wanted. Iran was an example.

  9. @Bad_Brad: Reading the comments on Erickson’s article in The Hill has me seething. It is discouraging that there are so many nasty, clueless leftists out there. They must be annihilated (legally, of course). That or a shooting war.

  10. riverlife_callie

    Ericka and Sooper Mex have their own little following. It’s a relative small vocal group. They love their little mutual masturbation sessions. Ericka and Sooper Mex are both John McShitstain Democrats. Globalists. They can justify being Globalists because neither one of the bastards has ever worked a day in their lives. They spend their days examining their belly button lint in an effort to unlock the secrets to the universe.


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