House GOP Proposes Legislation That Would Allow Crime Victims to Sue ‘Sanctuary’ Cities – IOTW Report

House GOP Proposes Legislation That Would Allow Crime Victims to Sue ‘Sanctuary’ Cities


So-called sanctuary jurisdictions that decline to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement could be held liable for failing to detain people in the U.S. illegally for deportation proceedings, under draft legislation proposed Thursday by House Republican leaders.

Under the bill, if local law enforcement officials do not comply with an Immigration and Customs Enforcement request to hold an immigrant who is in the country illegally, and that immigrant is released and later commits rape, murder or sexual assault of a minor, the victim or the victim’s family would be allowed to sue the jurisdiction, according to a draft of the bill released Thursday.

President Trump frequently railed about violent crimes committed by people in the country illegally during the 2016 campaign, most notably the case of Kathryn Steinle, a San Francisco woman killed two years ago by a Mexican man who had been deported several times.


5 Comments on House GOP Proposes Legislation That Would Allow Crime Victims to Sue ‘Sanctuary’ Cities

  1. This smells like a distraction to me. When we can sue AND JAIL the politicians responsible for these policies and not the taxpayers then it may sound reasonable. We also need to rid ourselves of all the corrupt judges in the system. Plus, being proposed by “House Republican Leaders” who are trying for amnesty, there is something seriously fishy about it.

  2. Rather than being able to sue, I would prefer they be prosecuted as an accessory to the rape or murder. They can share a cell. When thugs try to rob a liquor store and one of them kills the clerk, they all get charged with murder. Why should the politicians be different.

  3. I hope it passes. Chicago, as an example, is protecting illegals with free lawyers, etc., for any reason, any cause (not just deportation). So, it seems to me like they’re expecting trouble.


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