California: Rich Climate Change Busy-Bodies Reject Climate Friendly High Density Housing – IOTW Report

California: Rich Climate Change Busy-Bodies Reject Climate Friendly High Density Housing

WUWT?: The most effective way to reduce transport miles, the transport carbon footprint, is to pile people on top of each other, to replace city parks and low rise dwellings with towering high-rise apartments. So why aren’t affluent Californian greens enthusiastically supporting this most effective measure to combat climate change?  MORE

9 Comments on California: Rich Climate Change Busy-Bodies Reject Climate Friendly High Density Housing

  1. So why aren’t affluent Californian greens enthusiastically supporting this most effective measure to combat climate change?

    Because they think high density housing is icky and don’t want to upset their delicate sensitivities with even thinking about such things. Plus, they want somebody else – ANYBODY else – to pay the price of all futile efforts to actualize their fantasies. Duh.

  2. The same bunch who want “green”
    energy to replace fossil fuels
    and then fight like hell to stop
    offshore windmill construction
    because they will be able
    to see them from their waterfront mansions.


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