IG Report: Peter Strzok Statements Conflict With FBI Claims About Weiner/Abedin Laptop – IOTW Report

IG Report: Peter Strzok Statements Conflict With FBI Claims About Weiner/Abedin Laptop

CTH: General David Petraeus was arrested for leaving his classified schedule on mistress Paula Broadwell’s nightstand. Kristian Saucier was arrested for taking a classified photograph on a submarine. Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin had dozens of classified Clinton emails on a laptop and…

There are a great deal of inconsistent application of law surrounding classified information. There is also a great deal of fatigue surrounding discussion of those inconsistent applications. Contradictions, inconsistency and obtuse justifications are as rampant in our midst as the political narratives shaping them. Perhaps that’s by design.

We begin reading Chapter 11 of the IG Report with a growing acceptance that not only is there a need for a special counsel, but there is a brutally obvious need for multiple special counsels; each given a specific carve-out investigation that comes directly from the content of the Inspector General report.   This issue of the handling of the Weiner/Abedin laptop screams for a special counsel investigation on that facet alone.  Why?

Well, consider this from page #388 (emphasis mine):

Midyear agents obtained a copy of the Weiner laptop from NYO immediately after the search warrant was signed on October 30.

The laptop was taken directly to Quantico where the FBI’s Operational Technology Division (OTD) began processing the laptop. The Lead Analyst told us that given the volume of emails on the laptop and the difficulty with de-duplicating the emails that “at least for the first few days, the scale of what we’re doing seem[ed] really, really big.”

Strzok told us that OTD was able “to do some amazing things” to “rapidly de-duplicate” the emails on the laptop, which significantly lowered the number of emails that the Midyear team would have to individually review. Strzok stated that only after that technological breakthrough did he begin to think it was “possible we might wrap up before the election.”  (pg 388)

The key takeaway here is two-fold.  First, the laptop is in the custody of the FBI; that’s important moving forward (I’ll explain later).  Also, specifically important, FBI Agent Peter Strzok, the lead investigative authority in the Hillary Clinton MYE (Mid-Year-Exam), is explaining to the IG how they were able to process an exhaustive volume of emails (350,000) and Blackberry communications (344,000) in a few days; [Oct 30 to Nov 5]

Note: “OTD was able “to do some amazing things to rapidly de-duplicate” the emails on the laptop.

OK, you got that?

Now lets look at the very next page, #389 (again, emphasis mine):

[…] The FBI determined that Abedin forwarded two of the confirmed classified emails to Weiner. The FBI reviewed 6,827 emails that were either to or from Clinton and assessed 3,077 of those emails to be “potentially work-related.”

The FBI analysis of the review noted that “[b]ecause metadata was largely absent, the emails could not be completely, automatically de-duplicated or evaluated against prior emails recovered during the investigation” and therefore the FBI could not determine how many of the potentially work-related emails were duplicative of emails previously obtained in the Midyear investigation. (pg 389)

See the problem?  See the contradiction?

Strzok is saying due to some amazing wizardry the FBI forensics team was able to de-duplicate the emails. However, FBI forensics is saying they were NOT able to de-duplicate the emails.

Both of these statements cannot be true. And therein lies the underlying evidence to support a belief the laptop content was never actually reviewed. But it gets worse, much worse.

11 Comments on IG Report: Peter Strzok Statements Conflict With FBI Claims About Weiner/Abedin Laptop

  1. The truth is, the Weiner laptop is really where the bias shows up. That whole section of the IG report was very revealing. They tried to cover it up in late September then the NY agent blew the whistle on them. I think Sundance is right. Nobody — NO BODY — reviewed those 650K emails in the week they were allegedly “reviewing” them. Even more than the initial investigation, this Abedin email dump is where the cover-up took place. I’m so glad Sundance is tackling this. These questions have to be asked when the IG testifies to Congress.

  2. The global swamp is broader and deeper than we suspected. Won’t nobody do crap about it no matter who is proved to have done what and when. Won’t matter. Some low level stooge may take the fall and get paid off for the sacrifice later, but that’s likely the best we can hope for.

    Meanwhile, Manafort is indefinitely and unconstitutionally imprisoned because he ran an anti-swamp campaign that won, just like Tommy Robinson is now whereabouts unknown and a walking dead man (if he isn’t dead already) because he dared speak out against England’s new Mohammedan rulers. TELL ME we’re dealing within the bounds of law here, because we’re not. Well, THEY are not. We’re still subject to them.

    If I turn out to be wrong, the line will form on the right for y’all to tell me I’m wrong and I’ll welcome you doing so.

    Until then, we’re the world’s biggest banana republic.

  3. Wow…
    I’m an engineer who designs complex systems that can be extremely hazardous if they fail. Do you think if I didn’t do my job correctly and then explained it away do to “amazing wizardry” that I would get away with it? Especially if I PURPOSELY didn’t do it?

  4. I am not in favor of a special counsel. Too slow and too expensive.Hoping that Huber’s 35k sealed indictments will cover the crimes so obviously covered up by Deep State.

  5. Another great exposure by the Conservative Treehouse of the obvious bias in the FBI investigation of Clinton’s emails. I remember being astonished at the claim by Comey that all those emails had been reviewed in such a very short time period, and that nothing new had turned up. Clinton turned over paper copies of her emails, the devices that produced her emails were destroyed before the FBI asked for access to them. This could be the key to unlocking the door that puts them all away, but it has to be used to open the door. Remember, Hillary said they would all hang if Trump got elected. This has to be investigated by the Congressional Committees and U.S. Attorney Huber.

  6. @grool June 17, 2018 at 9:27 am

    > TELL ME we’re dealing within the bounds of law here, because we’re not. Well, THEY are not. We’re still subject to them.

    Slaves don’t wear chains. Freemen in bondage must be chained.
    How many want off the plantation?


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