SPLC’s BIG LIE- “The problem in America is White on Black Crime” – IOTW Report

SPLC’s BIG LIE- “The problem in America is White on Black Crime”

The closest the left can come to saying “Trump’s America is racist” is that Trump probably got a lot of votes because white people are fed up with this absurd lie.

The left is so insane they think a backlash from whites for being called racist is racist.

American Thinker-

One of the pioneers of the “blame black crime on white racism” movement is Judge Susan Dlott out of Cincinnati. In the law game, she is revered for her early rulings that essentially outlawed racial profiling.

Race has nothing to do with crime, she said over and over. And if it does, well… it’s really all about poverty, not black on white hostility. Thanks again SPLC.

Anyway, just a few years ago, the judge and her uber-successful trial lawyer husband were enjoying the good life as Cincinnati’s most prominent liberal couple in the largest mansion in their region when several people broke in and did a bit of pistol whipping and threatening and robbing of the judge and her elderly husband.

The judge managed to escape.  And after running barefoot in the snow for two miles to reach a phone, the first thing she did was throw her ruling out the window and described her attackers as black to the 911 operator.

Yet black crime and denial continues. And if you do not know the numbers by now, there is only one reason: you don’t want to know them.

My own favorite story comes out of a Chicago courtroom: A 20-year-old California white girl was arrested at a Chicago airport for acting crazy. A day later city officials decided she was too crazy even for jail, so they released her into the biggest and baddest and blackest neighborhood of South Chicago.

No phone. No money. No nothing. Within a few hours she was raped and thrown off a seven-story building by a group of black people. She lived, barely.


13 Comments on SPLC’s BIG LIE- “The problem in America is White on Black Crime”

  1. “The judge ruled against the city and the $22.4 million settlement stands as the largest in Chicago history. In his ruling, he said the white girl would have been safer had the police taken her down and released her in the lion’s cage at the Chicago Zoo.”

    Damn. And a judge said that. LOL.
    SPLC is a hate group. I always make note of that whenever the subject comes up.

  2. Whites are so privileged they should be able to shoulder the crimes of blacks. Blacks wouldn’t be acting out if whites who are alive today weren’t so mean to their great-great-great-great-great-great grand pappy whom all blacks have a deep personal present-day connection to. Pay reparations and apologize for being white, until then bear all legal burdens of blacks.

  3. To realize just how far they have shoved your head down the rabbit hole, realize that racism doesn’t even exist.
    It’s as a contrived a charge as witchcraft was in Salem Massachusetts.
    It’s a pejorative used against Whites for ingroup preference and pattern recognition, both artifacts of self preservation.
    I don’t want to live in black and Mexican areas because they will abuse and kill me and steal my things because I’m not one of them. I don’t want my kids going to the schools they predominant for the very same reasons.
    Access to Whites is never a civil right.

  4. Yesterday I watched several Jesse Lee Peterson videos. Some are of him interviewing people in-studio from academia about race issues. They are insightful. I highly recommend watching the ones filmed out on the street where he interviews black Americans. Fascinating and terrifying to see so many people locked in to a belief system and unable to evaluate what they believe.

    Christians have a saying: “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was in convincing people he didn’t exist.”

    I’d like to add at this point – The greatest trick that Leftism ever pulled was in convincing people that Blacks cannot be racists.

  5. The SPLC needs to perpetuate this lie to keep the money rolling in. If black racisim ceases to exist, then th SPLC ceases to exist. White on black crime could decrease to zero, and the SPLC will still be pushing the lie.

  6. I was walking on a bike trail today, and I rain into six black kids about 12 to 14 walking two dogs on leashes. The leashes are quite long, and as I walked past them, they let the leashes out and ordered the dogs to bark at me and nip at me. It drove me off the trail. I asked them to pull the dogs back and they just laughed. It was typical, blacks are the most aggressively racist people in this country bar none. The power elite gives them a pass on overt racism by design. The goal is to make it clear to the productive white and asian middle class that if they don’t work hard and stop demanding a fair piece of the pie, they’re gonna make us live among the dusky demon class, who will harass us and eventually kill us for sport and get away with it scot free.


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