CNBC’s Jane Wells Asks , ‘How Do You Not Re-elect This Guy?’ – IOTW Report

CNBC’s Jane Wells Asks , ‘How Do You Not Re-elect This Guy?’

DC: CNBC commentator Jane Wells on Friday said that she could see a clear economic path to a 2020 re-election victory for President Donald Trump.

Wells said during an appearance on Fox affiliate KTTV’s “The Issue Is,” that given the strong economy, “How do you not re-elect this guy?”

Wells explained that despite the media furor over a possible trade war on multiple fronts, the impact on the day to day economy might not be felt in the way that some were predicting. She said, “We do have a trade war, prices will probably go up on a few things. At the same time U.S. Steel is just firing up a defunct plant in the U.S. because the demand for domestic steel is up because of these tariffs.”  more here

12 Comments on CNBC’s Jane Wells Asks , ‘How Do You Not Re-elect This Guy?’

  1. Note she was on a FOX affiliate, so she deviated a bit from the script.
    Did anyone check to see if she made it safely to her car in the parking garage?

  2. Jobs, economy, pride, stocks, businesses, income, they are all up !
    Yeah but, Racist.
    Still pushing the false narrative to the few who watch CNBC talking heads.

  3. The 2020 campaign will highlight all the successes the Trump Administration has had which will be news to half of America because the crooked media refuses to report it.


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