Feckless Cupp – IOTW Report

Feckless Cupp

S.E. Cupp is getting pig-piled on Twitter for a spittle-flecked pro-illegal rant and intimating to a commenter that she would command the doxxing (and everything that comes with it) if she knew their identity.

I’m very proud to say that I was anti-S.E. Cupp before it was fashionable. I was on to her phony-baloney conservatism from day one.

And what friggin’ idiot told the other friggin’ idiot that you get a “ticket” for crossing the border illegally?

No, stupid. You GO TO JAIL!

32 Comments on Feckless Cupp

  1. I watched this happen. What a dumb Libtard. She’s shown her true colors. Never ever again confuse her for a “Conservative Commentator”. She’s Libtard thru and thru. The only thing I ever wanted to see from Cupp, was a naked breast so I could judge her Cupp size. I know, I’m a pig.

  2. Wasn’t she ‘libertarian’ for a while? Was that before or after that haircut? Or before she lost weight and gained it back? Before the glasses?
    Is she still making fun of Christians? She has a stance to go with every outfit.

  3. MJA
    Actually in the thumb nail she looks like she’s getting ready for tonsil hockey. Even when she was on FOX she was just a touch off. Stopped buying her shit a long time ago. Globalist Libtard.

  4. If you bring your family along to violate the laws of my country I feel nothing but contempt for you. You put your family in a bad position and made them into criminals. If your family gets separated because of your illegal actions and disregard for US law, TOUGH SHIT!

  5. Illegally crossing the border is not the same as a parking ticket.

    If it was, a truck full of them wouldn’t be fleeing police over 100 mph and flipping over on the interstate.

    Because, you know, moving violation.

    If a parent puts their kid in their car when they go and rob a bank, or go shoplifting or commit any other crime then that kid might get sent to child services.

    Hell, nowadays a parent can get in trouble for allowing their kid to walk to school unattended. Much less putting them on top of a moving Death Train.

    This whole thing is a completely manufactured outrage. Obama did it and no one cared. Now it’s the end of the world.

    So what’s Tits with Glasses response? Be completely un-American to punish someone for speaking the truth in order to suport irresponsible parents who put their kids’ lives at risk for free Gimme, Gimme.

    Threatening to doxx someone for holding the position that the law needs to be followed. This is CNN.

  6. Given that liberals (like S.E. Cupp) employ SWATTING, DOXXING, LIBEL and SLANDER, a weaponized IRS, and LAWFARE, it is prudent to keep your identity private.

    That ship has turned though. We are going to fight back hard against bullies.

  7. I have kids…….if I robbed a bank they would be “ripped from my arms” as they took me to prison. Hell, kids are ripped away from where they want to be in a divorce.

  8. Never liked or believed her shtick.
    I guess if she puts her kid in the back seat of a car and robs a bank she expects to be able to keep her kid with her after she’s caught.
    Same principal as illegals bringing their own kids to break the law and be in dangerous situations.

  9. The U.S. was designed to be franchised.

    You don’t have to come to the original location.

    Adopt our values and Constitution where you live and – ta-dah! Congratulations. You are an American in spirit and deed if not geography.

  10. My father was sent to prison when I was small child. I didn’t get to go with him, but I wasn’t held in a detention center either because there was no question where or who I belonged to (my mom).
    I have vague memories of visiting him in the rec room.
    Biggest memories of the events:
    1) Arriving in the nearby town early, buying food at a grocery store and eating it in a park prior to going to the prison;
    2) Walking through the first security door and having to wait for it to close before the second door opens, seeing the guards on the other side of the glass.
    He was there for several years.
    Through no fault of my own I had no father in my life (because he committed a crime and deserved to be imprisoned).

    (and yes I am pissed and the all-caps is intended).

  11. How about the awful policy that rips felon American parents away from their children while they do time?
    Hey, I know, let’s put the kids behind bars, with the sadists and sex freaks; it’s what the do in Mayheeko….

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