University of Chicago Makes ACT and SAT Optional – IOTW Report

University of Chicago Makes ACT and SAT Optional

In a move being taken by a handful of schools, the prestigious University of Chicago has announced that it no longer requires the standardized college admission test known by the acronyms, ACT and SAT.

While applicants for admission can still have their test scores in, University of Chicago will instead weigh a prospect’s chances based on grades and transcripts.

The University of Chicago admitted only 8 percent of applicants last year. Here

15 Comments on University of Chicago Makes ACT and SAT Optional

  1. This will allow for a more Subjective admissions process which has the goal of Diversity…next , we should see a Social Justice component which will allow the University to graduate that portion of the student population that is illiterate and/or that majored in the Economics of Marx. Sad to see the destruction process of such a fine college and its Capitalist roots..

  2. “U. of C. leaders have long wanted to increase diversity on campus and said they hoped a test-optional policy, at minimum, will prevent students from assuming that anything less than an outstanding test score automatically takes them out of the running.”

    In the name of DIVERSITY! The implication here is minorities (primarily blacks and hispanics) are prejudiced to perform below standard on SAT or ACT.

    “white students at University of Chicago has decreased from 49 percent to 42 percent since 2006, while the proportions of black and Hispanic students remain in the single digits and has barely budged in the past decade.”

    49 pct down to 42 pct. Clearly, that number is not going down fast enough.

    “test-optional policies might result in an increase in the number of applicants, while the diversity of students who actually enroll remains largely unaffected.”

    Next step is to simply ban white people.

  3. They spent all of this time and money on Common Core (believe me, it is not dead) and adjusting the SAT and ACT to mirror the standard. Now the trend is to throw out the SAT and ACT.

    Our education system is totally dead, Betsy DeVos is the Jeff Sessions of the Education Dept. I hope this becomes more of an issue during the KAG campaign in 2020.

  4. Probably to be replaced with “Biograpghical Exams”, with questions such as:

    “How many social justice demonstrations have you participated in?”

    “Have you ever been personally affected by racism?”

    “What would be your dream job after you graduate?”

    “What is your personal pronoun?

    “What is your favorite sport, and who is your favorite baller?”

  5. Reading, writing, arithmetic, and the ability to tell time on an analog clock will all be optional.

    Students will be required to sign their name or make their mark (X) on all official forms.

  6. Why waste the time?
    Get a gov’t grant, sign it over to UC, get a degree.
    Take about 15 minutes, and means just as much.

    Students can stay home, “Professors” can stay home, no need for “security,” – Hell, they can even sell off the buildings (or turn em into Cabrini-Green-style shithouses fo da po) and pocket the change!

    Simple solutions for simple problems! You’re welcome!

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “While applicants for admission can still have their test scores in, University of Chicago will instead weigh a prospect’s chances based on skin color and political bias.”


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