Principal who sparked backlash for inviting anti-police extremist to ‘Career Day’ suddenly retires – IOTW Report

Principal who sparked backlash for inviting anti-police extremist to ‘Career Day’ suddenly retires

A Chicago Public Schools principal suddenly retired after she outraged parents by inviting an anti-police extremist to talk to students on “Career Day.”

Mary Beth Cunat personally invited the anti-police activist, Ethan Ethos, to speak to sixth through eighth-grade students at Wildwood Elementary School. Ethos is a self-described “radical” who routinely posts violent anti-police rhetoric online.

After a Chicago police commander was shot and killed execution-style in February, Ethos posted online, “F HIM [and] HIS FAMILY.”

Ethos also posts the term “CPDK” which apparently stands for “Chicago Police Department Killer.” The extremist referred to cops as “pigs” and once posted about killing rich people.

Ethos apparently has shown hatred for police because he claimed a Chicago police officer murdered his friend with a stun gun.

In an apology letter to parents, Cunat wrote that she brought in Ethos to talk to students about his poetry and civic work, but things went off the rails. MORE

13 Comments on Principal who sparked backlash for inviting anti-police extremist to ‘Career Day’ suddenly retires

  1. Read the story. I especially like the part about the anti-cop turd’s FB account.
    Hey Zuckerberg, you android looking POS, what was that pile of crap you said before Congress?

  2. Not to worry, the city officials will have another position for her across town. These scum just shuffle the twisted losers around much like the Catholic Church does with their child molesters.
    She’ll be back warping minds in no time flat.

  3. Fat head Prog, figuratively and literally.
    “Some of the parents also said Cunat brought in Ethos because she recently had been pressured to introduce anti-police philosophies to students.”
    Who pressured her, Black Lies Matter?
    Caving to radical violence failed, who knew?
    “Ethos”, ROFLMFAO. Dr. King would not approve of your self-descriptive name.

  4. The article didn’t mention that this school is located in a safe, stable, suburban-like neighborhood. Since Chicago requires its cops and firefighters to live in the city, that means that this neighborhood has a huge number of cop families.


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