Judge Strikes Down Kansas ‘Show Me Your Papers’ Voter ID Law – IOTW Report

Judge Strikes Down Kansas ‘Show Me Your Papers’ Voter ID Law

DC: A federal judge in Kansas City struck down a state law Monday requiring Kansas voters to show proof of citizenship before casting ballots.

U.S. District Judge Julie Robinson, a George W. Bush appointee, found the statute unlawfully burdens ballot access for eligible voters, in violation of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) and the Constitution.

“The court determines that the magnitude of potentially disenfranchised voters impacted by the law and its enforcement scheme cannot be justified by the scant evidence of noncitizen voter fraud before and after the law was passed, by the need to ensure the voter rolls are accurate, or by the state’s interest in promoting public confidence in elections,” the judge wrote.

Robinson maintained that prohibiting eligible citizens from voting because they lack proper identification did more to damage public confidence in the electoral process than voter fraud.  more

17 Comments on Judge Strikes Down Kansas ‘Show Me Your Papers’ Voter ID Law

  1. The statute unlawfully burdens ballot access for eligible voters, AND…
    …the magnitude of potentially disenfranchised voters impacted by the law and its enforcement scheme…

    So, it’s too much trouble for LEGITIMATE voters, and
    too much impact on ILLEGITIMATE voters???

    This crap gets tossed at the next level.

  2. “… by the need to ensure the voter rolls are accurate …”

    Sooooo … we do not NEED to ensure that voter rolls are accurate?
    How so?
    And the State has no “interest in promoting public confidence in elections” or at least no serious interest?

    One more slice in the Death of a Thousand Cuts. One more effort to desensitize America to the extent of voter fraud rampant in our cities. One more Globaloney “judge” who should be asking “Do you want fries with that?”

    How long, oh Lord? How long?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “potentially disenfranchised voters”

    Yet if a Kansan citizen sues because his vote is “potentially diluted” by illegal voters, he gets thrown out of court for lack of standing in proving actual harm has furred to him.

  4. And yet NeverTrumper idiots still can’t figure out that Hillary would be stocking all the court openings for the next 8 years (including POTUS) with POS regressive, activist judges like this. Thus effectively ending the United States as we knew it forever.

    I say next 8 years cause if even if she went into a coma before running for a 2nd term, she would still come out on top with an even bigger rigged system than 2016.

  5. Got it. Virtually anybody can waltz into a polling place and cast a ballot, no questions asked, but I have to have a stack of papers to get a driver license and, worse, have to undergo a bureaucratic colonoscopy to buy a gun.

  6. Is this Kansas City, Kansas?
    I worked there years back and twice while I was there I witnessed cars throwing their trash out the window on the freeway.
    Big bags of consumed fast-food.
    I was like, “what lowlife uncouth sons-of-bitches live in this town?”

  7. That reminds me:
    Do you know the Kansas state tree?
    the telephone pole

  8. @grool June 19, 2018 at 8:17 am

    > They’re playing for keeps. We can’t win this without…something.

    The problem is, what most who are losing want to win, is more of the same.

  9. There are toll booths on the highways heading out of Kansas.
    I call them ransom booths.
    “You want to exit our beautiful state? That’s a $20 ransom to you.”


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