The Guardian Is Super Pissed Antifa Is Getting Prosecuted – IOTW Report

The Guardian Is Super Pissed Antifa Is Getting Prosecuted

Dangerous: Riots in Berkeley over scheduled talks by culture commentators Ann Coulter and Milo Yiannopoulos revealed the left at its absolute worst and most violent.

The mayhem of 2017 routinely saw extreme Marxist campus groups like antifa throwing rocks at people, setting fires, punching strangers, assaulting bystanders with bike locks, and using other forms of violent intimation against their political enemies.

Now, some of those violent activists are seeing their day in court, and the Guardian for one is really miffed about that.

Court documents show conservative activist Daniel Quillinan came to Berkeley on March 4 last year armed with a homemade wooden shield and a flagpole for a pro-Trump, pro-free speech rally held there. He armed himself, he says, to protect onlookers against antifa in the nation’s ground zero of leftwing political violence.

At the event, Quillinan was attacked and five antifa domestic terrorists stand accused of brutally assaulting him.

A predictably verklempt Guardian notes the activist wore a Trump hat, a “shirt referencing the Chilean dictator General Pinochet,” and linked him to the crime of posting “fascist memes,” which, of course, is only an actual crime in the Guardian‘s home nation, the United Kingdom.

Sam Levin, a soy connoisseur reporter for the Guardian, who refers to antifa with a straight face as “anti-fascist protestors,” writes, “The resulting criminal trial against five anti-fascist protesters – who are accused of assaulting Quillinan during a roughly 15-second altercation – is, according to activists, the latest example of US law enforcement aggressively targeting leftwing demonstrators and favoring members of the far-right after violent clashes.”

The Oakland-based gentrifier and white savior has a history of breathlessly calling conservatives “white supremacists” in the pages of the Guardian and drumming up conspiracy theories against law enforcement when they’re caught enforcing laws broken by violent leftists.

In the past, Guardian journalists have been captured on film assaulting and robbing conservatives at political rallies.

Dustin Sawtelle, a 41-year-old tattoo artist and martial arts teacher (naturally), is accused of taking part in the assault. He is now complaining about personal information being posted online, threats, and losing his job due to the charges.  more

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