I’m out of the Twitter Gulag – IOTW Report

I’m out of the Twitter Gulag

I know people think Twitter is worthless, but I don’t see it that way. I look at it as training. You can really hone your arguments when you go up against leftist twitter douche-canoes who think they have solid footing.


I’ve found that these two questions are the most effective unanswerable ones you can use which shuts them right up.

-What are Mexicans seeking asylum from?

They cannot answer this without knowing they will be boxed in in two moves. They lay down their king and run.

Here are the two moves. Asylum from “violence” can only be granted if you can prove your government is unwilling or unable to protect you when you belong to an oppressed group. (Sex, race, nationality, religious affiliation.) You can’t just say, “My neighborhood is bad, so I’m entitled to asylum in America.” Your option is to move to a better neighborhood IN MEXICO.

So the only option is to declare that the Mexican government is in violation of Human Rights. The left doesn’t want to go there.

This argument leads them to the admission that Mexicans are seeking economic asylum, and that’s not valid.

The second question is

-What is it you are arguing for right now? Is it that you want families that are caught sneaking in to the United States to be kept together before they are all deported back to Mexico?

This is another question they are unwilling to answer because we know they simply want people to be able to cross the border illegally and stay here on our tax dollars.

I find hammering away on these two fronts shuts the imbeciles up.

Do you guys have any other questions or points that you feel would be effective tacks in debates? I would be happy to employ them and report back if you’re reluctant to go on Twitter.

I’ll be your vessel… lol.



41 Comments on I’m out of the Twitter Gulag

  1. My question is less specific than the current fake news marionette show.

    Is it the right of every citizen of the world to relocate to America?

    That seems to be the left’s position. Is there any practical limit as to how many we can absorb? What is it?

    What are you leftists personally going to sacrifice in order to accommodate the new arrivals? Will you open your home to the needy?

  2. Ask them if they are here for asylum if they are never granted citizenship and can never vote in our elections do they still want them here? That should cause some interesting discussion.

  3. Reposting here . . .

    Fusion Waters June 19, 2018 at 3:40 pm
    Are you, as an American worried about your childrens future? If so. . .

    Call the Border Patrol and DHS and report MSNBC Fusion GPS Mariana Atencio. She is repeatedly crossing into Mexico to coordinate tactics and set up operations to assist smugglers, in plain sight.
    Call the Border Patrol and report her. NOW.
    Don’t call NBC to complain. Call the COPS.
    Do Not let her cross back into the U.S.
    This is all recorded and there is Proof.
    Fusion GPS Mariana ‘Duct Tape’ Atencio at MSNBC.
    Get it??? FUSION GPS
    . . .
    Fusion GPS Mariana ‘Duct Tape’ Atencio is in Reynosa, Mexico right now. She will attempt to cross into the U.S. tonight.

    Call the Border Patrol.
    Call DHS.
    Call the Cops.

  4. Are you advocating that the Trump administration not enforce immigration laws enacted by Congress?

    If this is your position, then what will you say if the Trump administration refuses to enforce laws you like?

  5. So a new thread when you go back to Twatter Jail?

    Or going to update here, because it will happen so quickly?

    And just how long do you think before it happens, if it isn’t already?

  6. Why is anyone seeking asylum in the US? Is there a civil war in they’re home country? Why doesn’t the US get involved militarily like it usually has to so we can help the people where they live?

  7. This was posted on IOTW first . . .
    Before anywhere else.

    Fusion based Sob Story Script’ers are working attention atencio angles to present photochopped GitMoTex tickets with audio subtitles.

  8. -What are Mexicans seeking asylum from? – They aren’t all Mexican and many of their home countries are completely fucked right now so they get on that death train and ride from South America to the US boarder hoping to survive, first the trip and then as immigrants in the USA.

    -What is it you are arguing for right now? Is it that you want families that are caught sneaking in to the United States to be kept together before they are all deported back to Mexico? – Most sane people are arguing for them to simply put the policy back like it was before April. It already leaked that Trump’s peeps came up with this idea to try and get congress to capitulate and fund his stupid fucking boarder wall. Are you Trump supporters really that callous? You don’t give a shit what happens to these kids as long as it gets congress to “build the wall”? Disgusting.

    -Is it the right of every citizen of the world to relocate to America? As long as their immigration meets the criteria, yes. Unless you’re native, even your ancestors came here from somewhere.

    – What are you leftists personally going to sacrifice in order to accommodate the new arrivals? Will you open your home to the needy? Yes. I already have on more than one occasion so fuck off.

    – If they are here for asylum if they are never granted citizenship and can never vote in our elections do they still want them here? Yes. If it keeps a child safe from being pimped out by a gang in their home town, even if they never get to vote most liberals would still want them here to keep them safe from a miserable fate. You see, we liberals are capable of empathy unlike the twisted NYC silver spoon gobbling moron currently occupying the Oval Office and his brainwashed supporters.

  9. Is there a documented case of someone’s mind ever being changed because of a Twitter argument? Much less admitting it?

    Gee, rightwing neonazi. You really got me there.

    It does not happen.

    It’s like every other Twitchy post. Fill in the blank, madlib posts:


    Ron Perlman, Alyssa Milano, Shannon Watts, Ben Rhodes or Kathy Griffin tried to say some stupid shit and Ben Shapiro, Iowahawk, Norm MacDonald, Red Steeze or James Woods said something back and boy did that boomerang on them when we say Obama did it first!

    Random Twitchy post generator. Wash, rinse and repeat like every day.

  10. The Left only acknowledges children if they can be used for legislative initiatives, body parts, or for votes. Otherwise, you can kill them in womb, subject them to all manner of sexual deviancy in the classrooms and bathrooms, justify pedophilia at an academic level, or leave them defenseless in Public Schools and crime-ridden communities. Children are just another Identity Group to be used as a weapon by the Left. The Left, under 0bama, instructed these poor people how to utilize children to circumvent our law; the law is enforced – for the protection of the child -and the Left is suddenly concerned about the children.

  11. Looks like you tracked some twitter turds onto my newly washed floor.

    No. You may NOT enter and squat in my country just because you want to. Go back to your country and have a civil war. Don’t bring your squalor and idiotic politics here. We have enough morons already. We’re full up in that department.

  12. You are racist if you don’t allow those people to escape their s**thole countries and come to the United States. And you are racist if you say their countries are s**tholes.

  13. @Trolly
    1. Why don’t they seek asylum in the first country they arrive in, i.e. Mexico?
    2. the policy as before – so you are agreeing that Obama’s policy was to simply let everyone in.
    3. meets the criteria – aye, there’s the rub. The criteria should be for the U.S. to admit only those that will be a benefit to this country. We are not obliged to take in the refuse of the world, in spite of what the poem says. Poems aren’t laws.
    4. I call BS
    5. No, liberals have no empathy. You are all willing to climb over bodies of children to claw your way to power (Parkland, immigration, etc. In addition you are the biggest hypocrites on earth. Unless you can show me where you objected to Obama and/or Hillary doing much the same, then your “argument” is moot.

    The only reason the left wants unfettered immigration is to add more Democrat voters.

  14. MSNBC SobStory reporting that there will be 20,000 . . .
    20K . . .
    TWENTY-THOUSAND . . . Children crossing the border by August.

    Just children, alone, not counting the ‘Parents’
    Can you spell
    I N V A S I O N

    This is a co-ordinated attack on the United States.
    Planned and Orchestrated from previous Admin Helpers.
    ‘Member who Holdered plans and ops.
    And all their ‘associates’

  15. BFH – I’m glad you’re fighting the fight on Twitter. Currently it’s all we’ve got and we can’t surrender. If for no other reason than to let other conservatives know that they’re not alone, it needs to be done.

  16. Here’s more questions:
    If 500 mexicans per day entering the US is a good thing,
    then wouldn’t 1,000,000 mexicans per day be a better thing?
    After all, they are seeking asylum from some sort of oppression.
    Would the U.S. infrastructure be able to handle it? Who would hire them all?

    Then when they are all here, what do you think the number 1 complaint will be? Oppression from the EVIL WHITE MALE. Then they will all scurry right back over the border, right??? lolz

  17. Just made a connection . . .

    Above ^^^#4
    ‘Call the Cops’

    MSNBC TV Reportage from 2015-2018 “Don’t call the Cops” “Don’t call the Cops” “Don’t call the Cops”

    Do you see a PATTERN here in the MSM narrative?
    Do you now see what they are doing?
    Do you want to know more?

  18. The only difference between 2014/2018 in the US and 1940 France;
    The Germans wore snappier uniforms and marched much more in step.

    Both were invasions. The French were too militarily weak and we are too politically weak.

    Same difference…

  19. Here is a good series of questions:
    Have you invited any into your home to live with you?
    You want them here. I don’t. Why don’t you personally pay for all of the care for just one of them so I don’t have to?
    Seriously. Just take one that claims to be a child but looks obviously over 18 and has MS13 tattoos. They are coming here out of “an act of love”, no?

  20. @riverlife_callie; Well done!
    These Progs have no logical argument. It’s up to you and others like you to make the historical and logical rebuttal.

    Unfortunately, the Progs are the three monkeys…. Sad.

  21. Stop all this if you get a foot in the US, you get a hearing. If your not born here, get the hell out! We need to remove the turnstiles and build a wall that can be electrified by sensor.

  22. -What are Mexicans seeking asylum from? – They aren’t all Mexican and many of their home countries are completely fucked right now so they get on that death train and ride from South America to the US boarder hoping to survive, first the trip and then as immigrants in the USA.

    Why aren’t they seeking asylum in the countries they travel through to before they get to the U.S. border?
    Your premise is idiotic and has no basis in reality for how asylum works. TRY AGAIN!!!!

  23. Most sane people are arguing for them to simply put the policy back like it was before April. >>>

    And what was that OFFICIAL POLICY?
    How does the policy differ now?
    If this is a new policy, is it illegal?

    You’re not for deporting illegals when they are caught sneaking in? Why are you anti-law? That is the law.
    If you want the president to ignore that law, would you be willing to go along with him ignoring the law when I ransack your house and take all your cool ranch Doritos and your play station?

  24. -Is it the right of every citizen of the world to relocate to America? As long as their immigration meets the criteria, yes. Unless you’re native, even your ancestors came here from somewhere.>>

    Are you trying to conflate legal immigration with illegal immigration?
    No one has a problem with legal immigration.

  25. – If they are here for asylum if they are never granted citizenship and can never vote in our elections do they still want them here? Yes. If it keeps a child safe from being pimped out by a gang in their home town, >>>

    There are no safe places in Mexico???
    Is that what you’re saying?

    Why aren’t they relocating to the safe places of Mexico?? Why are they sneaking over the border into The United States?

  26. @BFH:

    Is it the right of every citizen of the world to relocate to America?

    As long as their immigration meets the criteria, yes. Unless you’re native, even your ancestors came here from somewhere.

    Are you trying to conflate legal immigration with illegal immigration? No one has a problem with legal immigration.

    That’s not true. I do have a problem with legal immigration. The reason is that the current legal immigration system allows lotter-style distribution of permissions, and also allows for so-called chain immigration. Both those are really bad ideas, and bypass any/all vetting processes to try to ensure that immigrants to the U.S. are likely to be assimilable and productive instead of troublemakers and deadbeats.

  27. Bravo, Ted Nougat. Excellent comment. Leftists have no sense of compassion for anyone or anything. Everything is a means to an end – totalitarianism.

  28. Conservatives – those who dare, have to keep hitting back at these leftist social platforms.
    We can’t let the left get comfortable in their lies. If liberal tools question their blind faith in socialist doctrine by being aware of conservative views, it weakens the left and could mean more support for our side. The left has to be kept on the defense and paronoid.

  29. Everything is a means to an end – totalitarianism.>>

    That is what has to remain in the background of any argument you have with a leftist. All roads lead there. Once you know it, their arguments are easily demolished.


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