FBI Refusing To Give Up Names of the Virulent Anti-Trump Hating Agents – IOTW Report

FBI Refusing To Give Up Names of the Virulent Anti-Trump Hating Agents

What is this? The FBI is protecting agents from scrutiny by asking the IG to withhold names from congressional scrutiny? What happened to the balance of powers?

Daily Caller-

FBI has asked the Justice Department’s office of the inspector general to withhold from Congress the names of three bureau employees found to have exchanged anti-Trump text messages, including from one attorney who worked on the special counsel’s investigation.

“We went to the FBI. The FBI raised a concern because they work on counterintelligence matters, and we are working with the committee to try and get the information you’ve asked for,” Michael Horowitz, the DOJ’s inspector general, testified to Congress on Tuesday.

“So the FBI does not want their names released?” Texas Rep. Ted Poe asked Horowitz.

“Correct,” the inspector general replied.

An OIG report released on Friday identified five current and former FBI employees, including Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, as having sent anti-Trump text messages in 2016 and 2017. OIG referred all five of the officials to the FBI for disciplinary action.


11 Comments on FBI Refusing To Give Up Names of the Virulent Anti-Trump Hating Agents

  1. @ BHF – This would be great to know and we deserve to know.

    What I would like to know is THIS:

    The POTUS sent out a tweet about ’13 Angry Democrats’ a couple of weeks back.

    This may be the Who’s WHo list of co-conspirators that knew about a certain private server…and all used it.



  2. @michellesbigbeaver June 19, 2018 at 6:46 pm

    > Rep Mark Meadows unmasked them (turnabout is fair play)

    Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) just outed 2 of the unidentified anti-Trump, pro-Hillary FBI investigators referred for punishment by IG & both work for the general counsel of FBI, not in “counterintelligence” as the FBI claimed as an excuse to w/hold their names

    — Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) June 19, 2018

    House Judiciary member Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) unmasked the ID of anti-Trump, pro-Hillary FBI investigators referred for punishment by IG. One is SALLY MOYER who allegedly was having a romantic relationship with a male FBI attorney, mirroring Page & Strzok

    — Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) June 19, 2018

    If the FBI isn’t lying to us, they’re killing us for not respectin’ thar authoritah. I guess we’ll mark this lie as a win for the American people.

  3. Look at the Meadows story – he got the IG to admit that the FBI asked that 3 of these folks not be revealed because they work in counter-terrorism BUT 2 of them don’t and never did – AND THE IG KNEW IT BUT WENT ALONG ANYWAY.

    – Page O Turner

  4. Not only is the so-called executives of the FBI politically compromised beyond salvage, you may be certain that the entire FBI fish rotten at its head is rotten all the way to the tail. No one would be able to convince me otherwise. So, all these apologists for the “rank and file” are stupid and naive to suggest how “honorable” they all are.

    Think about it for a moment. Do you think these rabid Hillary Clinton dogs — foaming at their mouths and howling for Trump’s blood — would not screen their direct reports for their political leanings? I don’t. And it goes on down the line. Firstly. Secondly: we’ve had eight or more years of the FBI under AG Holder, Lynch and Yates.

    Not only is there no respect for the FBI from without, there is no respect for the FBI from within. Time to give the charter over to the U.S. Marshalls’ service or some other agency. Has anyone even asked why we need the FBI today? They are the gang who couldn’t shoot straight for a while now, and now it seems the only reason for them to exist is to lie to the American people.

  5. @AbigailAdams June 19, 2018 at 10:34 pm

    > So, all these apologists for the “rank and file” are stupid and naive to suggest how “honorable” they all are.

    Or they’re fine, upstanding, upholders of The Rule of Law™.
    (That’s a euphemistic way of saying “I lie. Deal with it!”)

  6. FBI perpetrated Waco. FBI chicken shit sniper assassinated Vicki Weaver. FBI got there asses handed to the at the Bundy Ranch. FBI assassins murdered LaVoy Finicum. I guess I’m suppose to trust them now.


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