I have a friend that is confused by Hillary’s presidential loss – IOTW Report

I have a friend that is confused by Hillary’s presidential loss

I still haven’t figured out why Hillary lost.
Was it the Russian uranium deal? Or was it wikileaks? Or was it Podesta’s emails? Or Comey’s investigation? Or was it a sexual predator husband? Or was it her aide’s husband Wiener and his immoral pictures? Was it the subpoenaed evidence violation? Or was it the corrupt foundation? Or was it the Benghazi bungle? Was it pay for play? Or was it the Travel-gate scandal? Was it Whitewater ? Or Cattle-gate? Or Trooper-gate scandal? Or her husband’s interference with Loretta Lynch? Or was it stealing debate questions? Was it forensically deleting 30,000 emails? The secret server in her house? Was it calling half the USA deplorable? Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders? Was it her weird actions following the death of Vince Foster? Was it the Jennifer Flowers scandal? The Paula Jones law suit? The $800,000 Paula Jones settlement? The Juanita Broaddrick rape? The lie about taking on sniper fire in Bosnia? The impeachment?  The payment she took for the pardon of Marc Rich?  Her hit squad on bimbo eruptions? Stealing from Haiti? Being an unethical lawyer who got fired from her watergate investigation? Laughing about a child molester’s acquittal when she knew he did it? The coverup of her illnesses? The entitled attitude?
Gee, I just can’t quite put my finger on it, but it seems to be right in front of me.

25 Comments on I have a friend that is confused by Hillary’s presidential loss

  1. She sure has a lot of luggage. More luggage than any airline could handle in a single plane.

    Speaking of which, if you or I or any decent person did so much as 0.001% of Hillary’s doings, we’d be on the “you can’t fly here, bitch” list.

  2. It’s because we’re all deplorable!

    Not that we were called that, we just are deplorable when it comes to being convinced that a shit sammich will taste good.

  3. Tell your friend that Hillary didn’t lose. She was the victim of a political coup and therefor your friends only recourse is to strip naked in front of the White House and set themselves on fire.

    For like justice or something.

  4. People who voted for Trump had skin in the game. Home owners Business owners
    People who have to go to work every day, to help finance the people who I call bums.
    Or Hillary voters.
    It’s that simple

  5. having a seizure on National TV & being unceremoniously dum;ed into a van? harping about ‘why am I not 50 points ahead’? “We came, We saw, He died”? leaving Americans to die in Benghazi? etc., etc. etc., ….

    … & Trump isn’t qualified to be anointed

  6. I was in the car tonight and had on Mark Levin. Paraphrasing he essentially said, There was NO other candidate in the republican primary that could accomplish what Donald Trump has done since his election (Including Ted Cruz). Mark Levin did support Donald Trump during his race against Hillary in the actual election (and even had him on his show). But I know, it was a couple of DAYS before he came around after Cruz dropped out. Any loss is tough, but admitting you were wrong should not be tough when we are moving forward. We need to get past election ’16. Yea, fuck Ben Shapiro, and the never trumps that have held on. We know who they are. But many of us backed another candidate in the primary and are VERY HAPPY THAT DONALD TRUMP IS OUR PRESIDENT!

  7. Like obama, who was elected for his skin color, Hillary has no qualifications to be president except she is a woman.
    Trump on the other hand is highly qualified

  8. None of the above. It’s because, according to Podesta, she smells like urine, farts, soiled underwear and stale, cooked cabbage and because we’re all deplorable louts who are distracted by superficial things and jealous that she’s the smartest woman in the world…

  9. BFH, It was probably when Bill Clinton farted in public and Hillary acted offended. I mean at least that would trump all that you have listed according to our MSM. But they didn’t report on it like all the other trivial stuff you mentioned.

  10. @BFH- Some friend…huh…

    @Meer- I concur.

    Levin, while a Cruz fan, is SOLID defending the BARRAGE the POTUS is facing.

    Every night he does.

    I would have him on my ship any ole day.


  11. @ghost of col j glover,

    Yea, sometimes it’s good to lose. Especially in games that one should not play, like Russian roulette! But thanks for the mention. I love my president. And I agree with Mark Levin, he is better for this country today than ANY of the other candidates, all the other 16 of them, would have been. America once again made a wise decision!

  12. Love Trump. Was for him from the first time I actually heard him speak. He sounds like DH, me and other real people. Never watched his TV show either so Ididn’t know what a hard ass he was.

    Was very happy to realize he walks tall and is equipped with titanium ones and brilliance.

  13. Hillary lost because every time she opened her mouth sulpher would spill out and you could actually see Satan manifest himself in every facial expression.. her evilness is so strong it automatically defaults normal humans into survival mode…

  14. Their question is like asking – I can’t understand how I lost sight of the forest? Is my view of it being blocked by the White Oak, the Beech tree, or could it be the Sugar Maple, the Red Oak or the Eastern Pine. Nah, maybe the forest is lost because of all the Black Walnut, the Black Locust, the Chestnut or the Hemlock trees or the ….


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