Canada, EU and Germany Signal Compliance With President Trump Trade Demands – IOTW Report

Canada, EU and Germany Signal Compliance With President Trump Trade Demands


This win needs to be sipped slowly for maximum enjoyment.  

First, we would draw your attention to May 23rd, when President Trump announced an instruction to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to begin a Section 301 review of the auto industry a week prior to the implementation of the Steel and Aluminum tariffs.

At the time when all media were discussing other ‘matters’ CTH pointed out the strategy that was visible in the Auto-Sector.  China, the EU (specifically Germany), and Canada were the strategic trade targets in the approach.  About a week later, Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland snarkily announced her “sisterhood in trade” with EU Trade Minister Cecilia Malström, and how together they formed a strategy and were going to block President Trump.  They were very pleased with themselves (please watch).

Freeland and Prime Minister Justin from Canada, then strategized with Emmanuel from France and Angela from Germany on how they were going to use the G7 to embarrass President Trump on trade conflict issues via the summit; and subsequent use of media press conferences.  The entire thing back-fired, bigly.  President Trump announced the tariffs would continue until trade reciprocity improved.  READ MORE

5 Comments on Canada, EU and Germany Signal Compliance With President Trump Trade Demands

  1. Here’s an analogy. A big guy let’s a little guy punch him in the face. Little guy thinks it’s fun and does it for quite a while. Finally the big guy get’s sick of it and says, “Hey, I think I will punch you in the face for a while. I can punch a lot harder.” All of a sudden the little guy realizes his old game isn’t as fun as it used to be and stops punching the big guy. That is the Trump tariff plan in a nutshell.


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