Shapiro Trashing Trump, Says He Knows Nothing – IOTW Report

Shapiro Trashing Trump, Says He Knows Nothing

You don’t have to listen to the entire video, just up until this quote-

“Nobody knows everything… I’m close, but nobody knows everything.” -Ben Shapiro

-you’ll be sufficiently nauseated at that point.

Shapiro would say he was joking, but I don’t think his presidential aspirations are.

29 Comments on Shapiro Trashing Trump, Says He Knows Nothing

  1. Dear Ben: talking fast, like Porky Pig, is no substitute for your inadequacies

    … no matter how much you ‘b’dee, b’dee, b’dee’

    that’s all, folks!

  2. Hey little Ben, the one thing Trump has that you clearly lack Is the belief that America is the greatest nation on the planet. You, on the other hand believe that America will only be great when guided by intellectual pinheads like yourself.

  3. And…. of course he is featured on one of the Freeattle “conservative” radio stations. This, my friends, is exactly why it was safe for the Seattle Democrat machine to steal a gubernatorial election. W/o buy in from these establishment Republican operatives that would have ended with something likew a call to hitch up the travel trailer, arc welder, utility trailer etc and head into Freeattle then just miraculously have engine trouble all together and party on I-5, I-90, and the two or three other highways that feed that festering shithole. Three days of blockaiding the bastards into submission and they would have been dealt with bigly, never to try that shit again. These sonsabitches just want the few bones that the Democrats throw their way.

  4. @ BFH – That is a reasonable position and mission.

    As adults and witnesses, students of history, in my case, a maker of history, GW knows…

    “…for this time in history” – interesting.


  5. Yeesh! Play that mosquito buzzing, nasally voice over a loud speaker at gitmo.
    Those fuckers will confess to everything. Shit they hadn’t done yet, shit they were dreaming they did.

  6. Ego protected and self absorbed and any thing You say about them or to them that is not congruent with their personal biases just slides right off of them. Their brains are completely and utterly impervious able to anything that does not align with their way of thinking. Usually only the complete and total collapse of their personal lives brings them around. By the way who is bank rolling this pipsqueak?

  7. Fritz the Cat- I know! haha. Here’s how I think it would go.

    Benny: Question for me? Yes, you, go ahead—

    —How’s your meal? You haven’t touched the gravy.

    Benny: “Well, of course, the reason is very simple. I know about gravy. I’ve eaten it for a long long time. I’m sure you’re good at your job, but, that doesn’t mean it’s done right.

    You see, there are lumps in this gravy. Maybe Trump likes these lumps, maybe Milo Yiannopoulos likes these lumps, but I know there shouldn’t be lumps.

    Lumps don’t belong in gravy. They just don’t. You can tell me, “But Ben, what do the lumps matter? It doesn’t affect the over all meal. The gravy is delicious. Cosmetically not the best, but delicious.”

    Well, the lumps…they DO matter, mother. They DO matter. And I will not eat this. And we should never accept lumpy and inferior gravy, especially if Trump likes it.”

  8. I listened to him for a little, but his NeverTrump attitude is just idiotic. It is almost like they would have preferred the Hildabeast. Nah, they actually would have put that horrible person in the White House.

    So, Ben, you are worthless and I ignore your gas bag comments.

  9. And what exactly has Trump failed to do that jumps out at ya Ben? I’ve got more years under my belt than you and I’ve never seen a man with more political courage and a grasp for how to repair the damage done over these last decades. Not only is he fixing the wrongs but he’s also driving the left completely crazy in an entertaining way.
    Instead of thinking with some objectivity and giving due credit you snipe away like a bitter and spoiled adolescent.

  10. The trouble with people who are, admittedly, very that they get used to being right about everything and then when they are not, can’t imagine that they are not right this time. So, yeah, yeah, smart. But wrong.

  11. I am just categorically refusing to allow another Jew to be at the top of the heap of something.

    No thanks. He can take his motor-mouth and get support somewhere else.

  12. There are a lot of #NT’s on my list who are still in the doghouse even since they have conceded and jumped on the Trump Train; people like Sowell and Andrew McCarthy. So I’ll probably never get around to listening to anything Shapiro has to say even if he argues for conservatives. In this one way I am insufferable: I don’t have a much respect for those who so lacked vision, imagination and faith in our ability to elect exactly the person who saw what we saw and had concrete plans to do the will of conservatives. They tried to convince us that Trump wasn’t a “true conservative”, they said he was a liberal chameleon, that he was a liar and a fraud. And all they had to fall back on was their feverish dreams of some far-off conservative Utopia — worse, even, than the Left’s version.

    I have no use, whatsoever, for those who want to live in their Utopian dream world. Shapiro’s fatal flaw queers the whole deal. I don’t think he can be reformed.

  13. His true colors came out during the election when he and that disingenuous liar of a reporter tried to accuse Trump and his campaign manager of assault.

    I never forgot, and won’t ever forget for that matter.
    Not to mention, Shapiro’s voice is on the same level of nauseating and nasally as Ted Cruz, and it takes a special kind of asshole to accomplish that feat.


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