Dilbert Creator’s Warning to Trump Supporters: “vote…they’re coming for you next” – IOTW Report

Dilbert Creator’s Warning to Trump Supporters: “vote…they’re coming for you next”

Scott Adams admits to being apolitical and never voting; not anymore. Now that he’s been associated with Donald Trump, the creator of Dilbert can no longer make public appearances. The physical threat to the 1st Amendment isn’t going to end until the left is slapped so hard at the ballot box that they give up their violent suppression tactics.

Vote. Encourage others to vote. More

15 Comments on Dilbert Creator’s Warning to Trump Supporters: “vote…they’re coming for you next”

  1. I have read a lot of Scott Adams, his books, blogs, tweets. In his recent book about Trump, the election, and persuasion he talks about publicly throwing his support to Killary – literally to avoid being murdered. He was serious – and when he publicly supported her the death threats dropped significantly.

    Although he is very much an apologist for Trump’s methods he claims to be ‘left of Bernie’ and has some quite socialist views, but his public discourse is more about Trump’s and others’ actions rather than promotion of any particular point of view.

  2. I do not want to die! But as the old Scotch folk song sung by Johnny 60 years ago goes “..I wingback down! I will stand my ground!”


    My son tells me it was covered by a guy who died recently. I admit to OLD!

  3. “I’m not a Republican… it would be just pure self-defense, because I would want the safest situation for the country.”

    Scott, neither am I, but I have voted regardless of the fact that my vote, in Nuevo Jork, means ugatz.

    Self-preservation, and self defense, is a basic part of the human condition!


  4. I served in SAC defending against the filthy commie hordes back in the Cold War, but I’d consider it my finest hour if I get the chance to help crush the progs if and when the $hit hits the fan.

  5. Funny how people who like to compare conservatives to Nazis are using the same tactics that Nazis used to gain power.

    However, we are Americans. And we know history. We also know that leftists are gutless wimps who won’t know what to do when people stand up to them.

    If, when, the civil war breaks out, they are going to be dealt a really big hurt in a very short time and they won’t know what hit them.

    I was also thinking that if Mexico is such a bad place and the population of towns are almost 100% leaving to come to the United States then why doesn’t the United States just take over northern Mexico? That way people get to be in the U.S. without having to go anywhere. Besides, they don’t want the existing border there anyway.

  6. “Sarah Huckabee Sanders and the lost art of shunning” is the Washington POO article that is referenced. No I can’t keep up with all the trends but I thought Shunning/aka bullying/aka shaming was bad, but here we have it as a lost “art”

  7. I like the Dilbert toons, but what the hell Scott? Man the F up. Do you really not believe in voting? Are you getting real death threats or just the usual social media crap? Oh, and man the F up!

  8. Now if there was just somebody to vote for… 2016 was the first time I voted for a Presidential candidate since Reagan (as opposed to voting against the opponent). At least I have a Senate candidate to vote for this year. My POS RINO rep is running unopposed in the primary this August. Not even a Libertarian running so I’ll probably leave that part blank or write in somebody.

  9. “The physical threat to the 1st Amendment isn’t going to end until the left is slapped so hard at the ballot box that they give up their violent suppression tactics.”

    I have to disagree – the physical threats will only INCREASE. At that point, what do they – and their puppetmasters – have to lose? They couldn’t care less about the ballot box, they still insist PDJT isn’t President. Their fascism has increased since he announced his candidacy, and they’ll keep amping it up past 11, especially since they’ve suffered no consequences thus far.

    I keep seeing conservatives say if Civil War II breaks out it will be over very quickly and the left won’t know what hit them, but anyone with military training should know there’s no such thing as a quick ground war, especially since we Don’t.Know.Who.We’re.Really.Fighting. All we’ve seen so far is the cannon fodder.

    The agitators are being supported by the deep state, who IMHO are fueling this because they’re planning something really bad, something we don’t expect. I suspect a ‘terror attack’ that’ll make 9/11 pale in comparison. Okay, call me a conspiracy theorist, but I plan to stay as far away from urban areas as I can manage. In the mean time, if you don’t carry, you should seriously consider it. And extra mags. At the very least, have firearm(s) in your house.

  10. I moved from Cali to Az when Jug Ears got elected. It’s nice. No crazy lefties, no illegals swarming the home depot parking lot….

    You people should move. I hear Texas is nice.

  11. @huzzy Logick June 26, 2018 at 11:23 pm

    I keep seeing conservatives say if Civil War II breaks out it will be over very quickly and the left won’t know what hit them, but anyone with military training should know there’s no such thing as a quick ground war, especially since we Don’t.Know.Who.We’re.Really.Fighting.

    The “conservative” problem is not that they don’t know who is arrayed against them. It is that they deny their own lying eyes.

    You love daddy, because he’s your daddy. And daddy diddles you, because that’s who daddy is. Do you, then, realize that you should have a righteous hatred for daddy? Or do you come up with some story, for yourself as much as others, that other diddling daddies are bad, but your diddling daddy’s special, because… magic? Or… do you come up with some story for yourself, that you just don’t know what daddy’s doing to you? Deny your own lying eyes, so you can continue loving daddy, while daddy continues raping you.

    “Conservatives” will never turn on those that treat them as enemies, as long as they refrain from calling “conservatives” “enemy”. Because that’s who “conservatives” are. How you think, how you feelz, about those who treat “conservatives” according to what “conservatives” do, rather than what they say, is up to you. But it won’t change what “conservatives” do.

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